General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc

General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc

General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc


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So, the conditional sum adder has a smaller depth than the carry chain adder. This smaller<br />

depth is paid with higher cost.<br />

There is another adder that combines the small cost of the carry chain adder with the low<br />

depth of the conditional sum adder. This carry lookahead adder CLA n has a cost C(CLA n ) ∈<br />

O(n) and a depth of dp(CLA n ) ∈ O(log 2(n)).<br />

c○: Michael Kohlhase 250<br />

Instead of perfecting the n-bit adder further (and there are lots of designs and optimizations out<br />

there, since this has high commercial relevance), we will extend the range of arithmetic operations.<br />

The next thing we come to is subtraction.<br />

3.2.2 Arithmetics for Two’s Complement Numbers<br />

This of course presents us with a problem directly: the n-bit binary natural numbers, we have<br />

used for representing numbers are closed under addition, but not under subtraction: If we have<br />

two n-bit binary numbers B(n), and B(m), then B(n + m) is an n + 1-bit binary natural number.<br />

If we count the most significant bit separately as the carry bit, then we have a n-bit result. For<br />

subtraction this is not the case: B(n − m) is only a n-bit binary natural number, if m ≥ n<br />

(whatever we do with the carry). So we have to think about representing negative binary natural<br />

numbers first. It turns out that the solution using sign bits that immediately comes to mind is<br />

not the best one.<br />

Negative Numbers and Subtraction<br />

Note: So far we have completely ignored the existence of negative numbers.<br />

Problem: Subtraction is a partial operation without them.<br />

Question: Can we extend the binary number systems for negative numbers?<br />

Simple Solution: Use a sign bit. (additional leading bit that indicates whether the number is positive)<br />

Definition 426 ((n + 1)-bit signed binary number system)<br />

〈〈an, . . . , a0〉〉 − <br />

:=<br />

〈〈an−1, . . . , a0〉〉<br />

−〈〈an−1, . . . , a0〉〉<br />

if an = 0<br />

if an = 1<br />

Note: We need to fix string length to identify the sign bit. (leading zeroes)<br />

Example 427 In the 8-bit signed binary number system<br />

10011001 represents -25 ((〈〈10011001〉〉 − ) = −(2 4 + 2 3 + 2 0 ))<br />

00101100 corresponds to a positive number: 44<br />

c○: Michael Kohlhase 251<br />

Here we did the naive solution, just as in the decimal system, we just added a sign bit, which<br />

specifies the polarity of the number representation. The first consequence of this that we have to<br />

keep in mind is that we have to fix the width of the representation: Unlike the representation for<br />

binary natural numbers which can be arbitrarily extended to the left, we have to know which bit<br />

is the sign bit. This is not a big problem in the world of combinational circuits, since we have a<br />

fixed width of input/output edges anyway.<br />


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