General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc

General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc

General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc


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Axiom 19 (P 1) “ ” (aka. “zero”) is a unary natural number.<br />

Axiom 20 (P 2) Every unary natural number has a successor that is a unary natural number<br />

and that is different from it.<br />

Axiom 21 (P 3) Zero is not a successor of any unary natural number.<br />

Axiom 22 (P 4) Different unary natural numbers have different predecessors.<br />

Axiom 23 (P 5: induction) Every unary natural number possesses a property P , if<br />

zero has property P and (base condition)<br />

the successor of every unary natural number that has property P also possesses property<br />

P (step condition)<br />

Question: Why is this a better way of saying things (why so complicated?)<br />

c○: Michael Kohlhase 31<br />

Definition 24 In general, an axiom or postulate is a starting point in logical reasoning with<br />

the aim to prove a mathematical statement or conjecture. A conjecture that is proven is called a<br />

theorem. In addition, there are two subtypes of theorems. The lemma is an intermediate theorem<br />

that serves as part of a proof of a larger theorem. The corollary is a theorem that follows directly<br />

from another theorem. A logical system consists of axioms and rules that allow inference, i.e. that<br />

allow to form new formal statements out of already proven ones. So, a proof of a conjecture starts<br />

from the axioms that are transformed via the rules of inference until the conjecture is derived.<br />

Reasoning about Natural Numbers<br />

The Peano axioms can be used to reason about natural numbers.<br />

Definition 25 An axiom is a statement about mathematical objects that we assume to be<br />

true.<br />

Definition 26 A theorem is a statement about mathematical objects that we know to be<br />

true.<br />

We reason about mathematical objects by inferring theorems from axioms or other theorems,<br />

e.g.<br />

1. “ ” is a unary natural number (axiom P1)<br />

2. / is a unary natural number (axiom P2 and 1.)<br />

3. // is a unary natural number (axiom P2 and 2.)<br />

4. /// is a unary natural number (axiom P2 and 3.)<br />

Definition 27 We call a sequence of inferences a derivation or a proof (of the last statement).<br />

c○: Michael Kohlhase 32<br />

Let’s practice derivations and proofs<br />

Example 28 //////////// is a unary natural number<br />

Theorem 29 /// is a different unary natural number than //.<br />

Theorem 30 ///// is a different unary natural number than //.<br />


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