General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc

General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc

General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc


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2.5 Boolean Algebra<br />

We will now look a formal language from a different perspective. We will interpret the language<br />

of “Boolean expressions” as formulae of a very simple “logic”: A logic is a mathematical construct<br />

to study the association of meaning to strings and reasoning processes, i.e. to study how humans 4<br />

derive new information and knowledge from existing one.<br />

2.5.1 Boolean Expressions and their Meaning<br />

In the following we will consider the Boolean Expressions as the language of “Propositional Logic”,<br />

in many ways the simplest of logics. This means we cannot really express very much of interest,<br />

but we can study many things that are common to all logics.<br />

Let us try again (Boolean Expressions)<br />

Definition 231 (Alphabet) Ebool is based on the alphabet A :=<br />

Cbool ∪ V ∪ F 1 bool ∪ F 2 bool ∪ B, where Cbool = {0, 1}, F 1 bool = {−} and F 2 bool = {+, ∗}.<br />

(V and B as in Eun)<br />

Definition 232 (Formal Language) Ebool := <br />

i∈N Ei bool , where E1 bool := Cbool ∪ V and<br />

E i+1<br />

bool := {a, (−a), (a+b), (a∗b) | a, b ∈ Ei bool }.<br />

Definition 233 Let a ∈ Ebool. The minimal i, such that a ∈ E i bool<br />

is called the depth of a.<br />

e1 := ((−x1)+x3) (depth 3)<br />

e2 := ((−(x1∗x2))+(x3∗x4)) (depth 4)<br />

e3 := ((x1+x2)+((−((−x1)∗x2))+(x3∗x4))) (depth 6)<br />

c○: Michael Kohlhase 133<br />

Boolean Expressions as Structured Objects.<br />

Idea: As strings in in Ebool are built up via the “union-principle”, we can think of them as<br />

constructor terms with variables<br />

Definition 234 The abstract data type<br />

via the translation<br />

B := 〈{B}, {[1: B], [0: B], [−: B → B], [+: B × B → B], [∗: B × B → B]}〉<br />

Definition 235 σ : Ebool → TB(B; V) defined by<br />

σ(1) := 1 σ(0) := 0<br />

σ((−A)) := (−σ(A))<br />

σ((A∗B)) := (σ(A)∗σ(B)) σ((A+B)) := (σ(A)+σ(B))<br />

We will use this intuition for our treatment of Boolean expressions and treak the strings and<br />

constructor terms synonymouslhy. (σ is a (hidden) isomorphism)<br />

4 until very recently, humans were thought to be the only systems that could come up with complex argumentations.<br />

In the last 50 years this has changed: not only do we attribute more reasoning capabilities to animals, but<br />

also, we have developed computer systems that are increasingly capable of reasoning.<br />


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