General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc

General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc

General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc


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(autoload ’run-prolog "prolog" "Start a Prolog sub-process." t)<br />

(autoload ’prolog-mode "prolog" "Major mode for editing Prolog programs." t)<br />

(setq prolog-program-name "swipl") ; or whatever the prolog executable name is<br />

(add-to-list ’auto-mode-alist ’("\\pl$" . prolog-mode))<br />

The file prolog.el, which provides prolog-mode should already be installed on your machine,<br />

otherwise download it at http://turing.ubishops.ca/home/bruda/emacs-prolog/<br />

Now, once you’re in emacs, you will need to figure out what your “meta” key is. Usually its the<br />

alt key. (Type “control” key together with “h” to get help on using emacs). So you’ll need a<br />

“meta-X” command, then type “run-prolog”. In other words, type the meta key, type “x”, then<br />

there will be a little window at the bottom of your emacs window with “M-x”, where you type<br />

run-prolog 3 . This will start up the SWI ProLog interpreter, . . . et voilà!<br />

The best thing is you can have two windows “within” your emacs window, one where you’re<br />

editing your program and one where you’re running ProLog. This makes debugging easier.<br />

Depth-First Search with Backtracking<br />

So far, all the examples led to direct success or to failure. (simpl. KB)<br />

Search Procedure: top-down, left-right depth-first search<br />

Work on the queries in left-right order.<br />

match first query with the head literals of the clauses in the program in top-down order.<br />

if there are no matches, fail and backtrack to the (chronologically) last point.<br />

otherwise backchain on the first match , keep the other matches in mind for backtracking.<br />

(backtracking points)<br />

c○: Michael Kohlhase 509<br />

Note: We have seen before that depth-first search has the problem that it can go into loops. And<br />

in fact this is a necessary feature and not a bug for a programming language: we need to be able to<br />

write non-terminating programs, since the language would not be Turing-complete otherwise. The<br />

argument can be sketched as follows: we have seen that for Turing machines the halting problem<br />

is undecidable. So if all ProLog programs were terminating, then ProLog would be weaker than<br />

Turing machines and thus not Turing complete.<br />

Backtracking by Example<br />

has_wheels(mytricycle,3).<br />

has_wheels(myrollerblade,3).<br />

has_wheels(mybmw,4).<br />

has_motor(mybmw).<br />

car(X):-has_wheels(X,3),has_motor(X). % cars sometimes have 3 wheels<br />

car(X):-has_wheels(X,4),has_motor(X).<br />

?- car(Y).<br />

?- has_wheels(Y,3),has_motor(Y). % backtrack point 1<br />

Y = mytricycle % backtrack point 2<br />

?- has_motor(mytricycle).<br />

FAIL % fails, backtrack to 2<br />

Y = myrollerblade % backtrack point 2<br />

?- has_motor(myrollerblade).<br />

FAIL % fails, backtrack to 1<br />

?- has_wheels(Y,4),has_motor(Y).<br />

Y = mybmw<br />

?- has_motor(mybmw).<br />

Y=mybmw<br />

Yes<br />

3 Type “control” key together with “h” then press “m” to get an exhaustive mode help.<br />


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