General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc

General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc

General Computer Science 320201 GenCS I & II Lecture ... - Kwarc


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as they are in UCS and BFS.<br />

For completeness, we need repeated state checking as the example shows. This enforces complete<br />

enumeration of state space (provided that it is finite), and thus gives us completeness.<br />

Note that nothing prevents from all nodes nodes being searched in worst case; e.g. if the<br />

heuristic function gives us the same (low) estimate on all nodes except where the heuristic misestimates<br />

the distance to be high. So in the worst case, greedy search is even worse than BFS,<br />

where d (depth of first solution) replaces m.<br />

The search procedure cannot be optional, since actual cost of solution is not considered.<br />

For both, completeness and optimality, therefore, it is necessary to take the actual cost of<br />

partial solutions, i.e. the path cost, into account. This way, paths that are known to be expensive<br />

are avoided.<br />

A ∗ search<br />

Idea: Avoid expanding paths that are already expensive (make use of actual cost)<br />

The simplest way to combine heuristic and path cost is to simply add them.<br />

Definition 603 The evaluation function for A ∗ -search is given by f(n) = g(n) + h(n),<br />

where g(n) is the path cost for n and h(n) is the estimated cost to goal from n.<br />

Thus f(n) is the estimated total cost of path through n to goal<br />

Definition 604 Best-First-Search with evaluation function g + h is called astarSearch<br />

search.<br />

c○: Michael Kohlhase 478<br />

This works, provided that h does not overestimate the true cost to achieve the goal. In other<br />

words, h must be optimistic wrt. the real cost h ∗ . If we are too pessimistic, then non-optimal<br />

solutions have a chance.<br />

A ∗ search: Admissibility<br />

Definition 605 (Admissibility of heuristic) h(n) is called admissible if (0 ≤<br />

h(n) ≤ h ∗ (n)) for all nodes n, where h ∗ (n) is the true cost from n to goal.<br />

(In particular: h(G) = 0 for goal G)<br />

Example 606 Straight-line distance never overestimates the actual road distance<br />

(triangle inequality)<br />

Thus hSLD(n) is admissible.<br />

A ∗ Search: Admissibility<br />

c○: Michael Kohlhase 479<br />

Theorem 607 A ∗ search with admissible heuristic is optimal<br />

Proof: We show that sub-optimal nodes are never selected by A ∗<br />

P.1 Suppose a suboptimal goal G has been generated then we are in the following situation:<br />

n<br />

start<br />

O G<br />


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