TSR 9291 - DLC1 - Dr.. - Free

TSR 9291 - DLC1 - Dr.. - Free

TSR 9291 - DLC1 - Dr.. - Free


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Thorbardin provide some background<br />

on the six Thanes that are<br />

present.<br />

The Thanes are Hornfel (Hylar),<br />

Bluph (Aghar), Gneiss (Daewar),<br />

Realgar (Theiwar), Rance (Daergar),<br />

and Tufa (Klar). Hornfel is the father<br />

of Arman Kharas; he is sympathetic<br />

to the heroes’ plight. Realgar is an<br />

agent of Verminaard; he sees this as<br />

an opportunity to have the Theiwar<br />

rule Thorbardin.<br />

To run the Council meeting, first<br />

have Arman Kharas (if present) introduce<br />

the heroes to the Council and<br />

introduce the Thanes to the heroes.<br />

Then have the heroes present their<br />

case and make their request. Hornfel<br />

listens with interest, but Realgar begins<br />

to speak with hatred about the<br />

hill dwarves and men that brought on<br />

the Cataclysm and the Dwarfgate<br />

Wars.<br />

Have each player roll an Intelligence<br />

check with a -5 penalty to Intelligence.<br />

Any who succeed feel that<br />

Realgar’s speech patterns are very<br />

similar to those of Verminaard. In<br />

fact, Realgar is being telepathically<br />

controlled by the <strong>Dr</strong>agon Highlord.<br />

During Realgar’s tirade, tell the<br />

players that the Theiwar Thane<br />

seems to be swaying the Council<br />

against them. Finally, the discussion<br />

is finished, and the characters are<br />

asked to leave the room so that the<br />

Council can make its decision.<br />

The Council’s debate lasts an hour,<br />

then the heroes are invited back in.<br />

Hornfel speaks.<br />

“It is true that you humans<br />

brought the Cataclysm upon the<br />

world, and it is true that the Neidar<br />

made war on Thorbardin. But dark<br />

times are here again, and ancient<br />

grudges must not control our destiny.<br />

“Here, then, is the decision of<br />

the Council—that whosoever recovers<br />

the hammer of Kharas, that<br />

person will the dwarves of Thorbardin<br />

befriend. If you agree to<br />

our terms, and bring the hammer<br />

to us, then your people may pass.<br />

“There is one other condition—<br />

that one of your party remain here<br />

as a hostage for your safe return.”<br />

Hornfel names Eben as the hostage<br />

to be kept (this is Realgar’s idea, but<br />

the heroes should not know this). If<br />

the heroes refuse the quest, they are<br />

imprisoned. If they agree, Hornfel<br />

tells them that the hammer lies<br />

somewhere in the Valley of Thanes,<br />

burial ground of the dwarves. If the<br />

heroes have the helm of Grallen,<br />

Hornfel thanks them for its return,<br />

and asks them to take it to the Valley<br />

of Thanes and leave it in the tomb of<br />

Kharas. He tells them that the helm<br />

will be of help to them in their quest.<br />

Hornfel raises his hand, and two<br />

dwarves enter the chamber. One carries<br />

a drum, the other a scroll. They<br />

chant the Song of Kharas (see Appendix).<br />

257. Leaving the Kingdom<br />

of the Hylar<br />

If the heroes do not agree to the<br />

quest, they are imprisoned in the<br />

dungeon on level 17 of the Life-Tree<br />

and left to rot.<br />

If they agree, Arman begs his father<br />

to allow him to accompany the<br />

heroes. Hornfel agrees. Arman and a<br />

party of Hylar guards escort the heroes<br />

away. Eben stays behind as a<br />

hostage.<br />

The trip out of the Hylar city is the<br />

same as the journey in. The party<br />

takes a cable-boat across the Urkhan<br />

Sea to the Eighth Road of Thanes.<br />

The trip down the Eighth Road is by<br />

car. The journey ends several hours<br />

later at the Guardian Hall complex<br />

that adjoins the Valley of the<br />

Thanes—where all the dead of Thorbardin<br />

are buried.<br />


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