TSR 9291 - DLC1 - Dr.. - Free

TSR 9291 - DLC1 - Dr.. - Free

TSR 9291 - DLC1 - Dr.. - Free


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In addition to the set encounters and<br />

events in this adventure, the following<br />

random encounters can occur at<br />

the DM’s discretion. You can alter the<br />

frequency if you choose, or omit<br />

them altogether if the party is seriously<br />

weakened. Properly run, random<br />

encounters can add flavor and<br />

excitement to the game.<br />

Use the following sets of tables to<br />

set up random encounters. Each set<br />

of tables is to be used with a certain<br />

part of the adventure (listed according<br />

to chapter numbers). Within each<br />

set of tables, Table 1 contains a list of<br />

all the areas that might be explored<br />

during that part of the adventure.<br />

Next to each area is a column labeled<br />

“Check.” This shows how often you<br />

should check to see if a random<br />

encounter occurs in that area. For<br />

example, “1/3 Hours” means that<br />

you should roll a random encounter<br />

check once every three game hours<br />

when in that area. Roll 1d10; if the result<br />

is a 1, a random encounter takes<br />

place.<br />

Next look under the column labeled<br />

“Range.” Roll the die listed and<br />

add the modifier (if any) beside it.<br />

Then look on Table 2 to find the random<br />

encounter that corresponds to<br />

that number. The statistics for each<br />

creature are listed on the Combined<br />

Monster Statistics Chart on the inside<br />

cover of this adventure.<br />

Chapter 1 - Chapter 4<br />

Table 1: Encounter Checks<br />

Chapter 5 - Chapter 10<br />

Table 1: Encounter Checks<br />

Area Check Range<br />

Town 1/3 Turns 1d6 Area Check Range<br />

Plains 1/6 Hours 1d12+2 Town 1/3 Turns 1d4<br />

Forest 1/4 Hours 1d12+3 Ruins 1/3 Turns 1d8+2<br />

HilIs/Mtns 1/6 Hours 1d12+6 Plains 1/6 Hours 1d8+6<br />

Marsh 1/3 Hours 1d12 + 12 Mountains 1/4 Hours 1d8 + 8<br />

Ruins 1/3 Turns 1d12+10 Sla-Mori 1/3 Turns 1d4+15<br />

Darken<br />

Pax<br />

Wood 1/3 Turns 2d4+23 Tharkas 1/3 Turns 1d6+19<br />

Table 2: Creatures<br />

1. 3d10 Townsmen<br />

2. 3d4 Baaz<br />

3. 1d10 Plainsmen<br />

4. 1d4 Elves<br />

5. 2d10 Townsmen<br />

6. 1d6 Holy Guardians<br />

7. The White Stag<br />

8. 2d4 Giant Eagles<br />

9. 1d4 Giant Boars<br />

10. 4d4 Wild Dogs<br />

11. 1d10 Baaz<br />

12. 1d8 Bozaks<br />

13. 1d12 Huge Spiders<br />

14. 2d6 Ogres<br />

15. 2d6 Wraiths<br />

16. 2d4 Trolls<br />

17. 1d3 Will o’wisps<br />

18. 1d6 Poisonous Snakes<br />

19. Khisanth<br />

20. 1d10 Bozaks<br />

21. 1 Catoblepas<br />

22. 1d10 Black <strong>Dr</strong>agon Hatchlings<br />

23. 1d6 Poisonous Snakes<br />

24. 2d6 Wraiths<br />

25. 1d12 Griffons<br />

26. 1d6 Treants<br />

27. 2d4 Satyrs<br />

28. 1d12 Centaurs<br />

29. 1 Brownie<br />

30. 10d10 Sprites<br />

31. 1 Sylph<br />

Table 2: Creatures<br />

1. 2d6 Townsmen<br />

2. 2d4 Baaz<br />

3. 1d4 Wild Dogs<br />

4. 2d6 Kapaks<br />

5. 3d6 Goblins<br />

6. 2d12 Giant Centipedes<br />

7. 266 Baaz<br />

8. 3d6 Hobgoblins<br />

9. 1 Wyvern<br />

10. 1d3 Trolls<br />

11. 3d10 Elk<br />

12. 1d6 Wights<br />

13. 2d4 Dire Wolves<br />

14. 1d3 Griffons<br />

15. 1d6 Giant Rams<br />

16. 2d10 Zombies<br />

17. 2d4 Carrion Crawlers<br />

18. 1 Wraith<br />

19. 2d6 Soldier Bees<br />

20. 2d6 Baaz<br />

21. 2d4 Kapaks<br />

22. 3d4 Hobgoblins<br />

23. 3d8 Goblins<br />

24. 2d4 War Dogs<br />

25. 1d4 Aghar Dwarves<br />


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