TSR 9291 - DLC1 - Dr.. - Free

TSR 9291 - DLC1 - Dr.. - Free

TSR 9291 - DLC1 - Dr.. - Free


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smooth tunnel. The tunnel leads to<br />

encounter area 194. Climbing up the<br />

tunnel from the bottom is the same<br />

as climbing the smooth exterior of<br />

the mountain.<br />

191. Eye of the Dead<br />

The eye sockets of the skullshaped<br />

mountain form caverns<br />

leading deep within.<br />

Both these caves are identical. At the<br />

back of each is a small tunnel leading<br />

down at a 70-degree angle. However,<br />

they are not made out of the fused<br />

glassy material, and handholds are<br />

available for an easy descent.<br />

Both tunnels lead to the same<br />

place: a metal framework overlooking<br />

encounter area 203. There are no<br />

handholds down; characters must tie<br />

a rope to the metal framework and<br />

lower themselves to the floor, or use<br />

equivalent means.<br />

192. Rubble Crater<br />

A large crater forms the top of<br />

Skullcap. The crater is filled with<br />

rubble. Strange and tortured<br />

shapes of stone twist skyward, obscuring<br />

the bottom of the bowl. A<br />

pool of water has collected at the<br />

bottom.<br />

If characters explore the bottom of<br />

the bowl, they find a 20-foot-wide<br />

shaft descending at a 60-degree angle.<br />

It can be climbed slowly and with<br />

some difficulty. After 70 feet, the<br />

walls become glass-smooth.<br />

The shaft leads to the upper ledge<br />

of encounter area 193. The pool of<br />

water has an outlet at the bottom five<br />

feet wide; it leads to the waterfall in<br />

area 193.<br />

193. Shadowlair<br />

The sound of rushing water fills<br />

this large cavern. A waterfall<br />

pours into a large pool covering<br />

the cavern floor. In the middle,<br />

surrounded by water, is a small island,<br />

on which are piled gems and<br />

weapons.<br />

The cavern is 100 feet across. A pool<br />

of water covers the cavern floor from<br />

the exit to area 203 to the lower platform<br />

(area 193a). Behind the lower<br />

platform is a small tunnel (leading to<br />

area 218) that serves as the drain for<br />

the pool.<br />

A waterfall empties into the pool<br />

from the bowl above (area 192). At<br />

the level of the waterfall is an upper<br />

platform (area 193b). A five-footwide<br />

ledge at the level of the upper<br />

platform goes around the entire edge<br />

of the cavern.<br />

On the upper platform, beside the<br />

waterfall, resides a shadow dragon.<br />

The shadow dragon, an ancient,<br />

huge member of its race, was bound<br />

by Fistandantilus long ago to guard<br />

this fortress as long as Fistandantilus<br />

remained alive on this earth. The<br />

shadow dragon, who can speak,<br />

mentions this to anyone it has not yet<br />

eaten.<br />

The shadow dragon prefers to rest<br />

on the upper platform and wait for<br />

adventurers to raid its store of treasure.<br />

Then it attacks, using breath<br />

weapon and spells first.<br />

The shadow dragon has an Intelligence<br />

of 18 and speaks common, hill<br />

dwarf, mountain dwarf, and all<br />

dragon tongues. It has the following<br />

spells (cast as an 8th-level mage):<br />

1st Level: magic missile, phantasmal<br />

force<br />

2nd Level: darkness (15’ radius), fog<br />

cloud<br />

3rd Level: fireball, suggestion<br />

4th Level: confusion, shadow monsters<br />

The treasure consists of 900 pp, 21<br />

500-stl gems, 3,000 stl, one suit of<br />

human-sized chain mail +2, two potions<br />

of clairaudience, and boots of<br />

levitation.<br />

194. Lords’ Hall<br />

Faded tapestries, depicting men<br />

and dwarves at war, line the walls.<br />

195. Generals’ Way<br />

Ancient dust fills the corridor.<br />

Stains streak the metal finish on<br />

each of the doors.<br />

These doors are oak covered with silver,<br />

worth 1,000 stl each.<br />

196-200. Empty Rooms<br />

Broken furniture is strewn about.<br />

The room is otherwise empty. There<br />

is nothing of value here.<br />

201. Brass Buttons<br />

On a broken table is an old tunic<br />

with brass buttons on it.<br />

A spectre appears and attacks if the<br />

brass buttons are disturbed.<br />

202. Priesthood West<br />

This room is empty.<br />

203. Great Stairwell<br />

A central stairway descends deep<br />

into the mountain. Torn by the<br />

same terrible forces that long ago<br />

ravaged Skullcap, the iron framework<br />

that once supported these<br />

stairs is now twisted and<br />

wrenched. Overhead, the ceiling<br />

is shattered, revealing the iron<br />

frame that once held the stairway.<br />

The stairwell is 60 feet in diameter. A<br />

ten-foot-wide staircase circles down<br />

about 20 feet to area 2 14 (Twisted<br />

Iron). The dome above leads to area<br />

191.<br />

204. Armory<br />

A grey hemisphere shimmers in<br />

the center of the room. Armor<br />

stands gleaming against the walls.<br />

Anyone who enters the room can see<br />

into the hemisphere. Read the following:<br />


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