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Full document - International Hospital Federation

Full document - International Hospital Federation


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Innovation and clinical specialities: burns<br />

often billed as suicide in newlywed young women. 13<br />

Most burns occur in the home, commonly in the cooking area,<br />

accounting for the high proportion of scald burns, followed by<br />

flame burns. Combined, they account for over 80% of all burns<br />

seen in low-income countries 4 . Electrical burns are also frequently<br />

seen in low-income areas where building codes may be less<br />

stringent and homes may be built near high tension wires.<br />

Although most studies report higher burn rates in urban settings,<br />

this could be due to a publication bias, with few district hospitals<br />

having the means to carry out and publish results. 14 Given the lack<br />

of first-aid resources and longer distances to travel to medical care<br />

in rural settings, it is not surprising that outcomes are worse in<br />

these locations. This is intuitively understood and is illustrated in a<br />

South African study showing that the average pre-hospital delay<br />

was 42 hrs in rural South Africa, with high rates of wound infection<br />

(22%), contractures (6%) and prolonged length of stay 15 .<br />

Prevention<br />

At a population health level, the true magnitude of the problem is<br />

not well defined with few standardized comprehensive statistical<br />

collection systems in many low-income countries. Some authors<br />

suggest that the global estimated death rate is a gross<br />

underestimation 14 . It is widely accepted that the social and<br />

economic costs of burn injuries to low-income populations are<br />

great and efforts to develop, evaluate, and implement prevention<br />

strategies specific to the local cultural and economic settings are<br />

urgently needed. Successful examples have been shown to work<br />

in developed countries such as Norway, where with a communitybased<br />

prevention program, the rate of burn-related hospital<br />

admissions was reduced by 52%. 5<br />

With over 2 billion people worldwide preparing meals using<br />

rudimentary traditional stoves or open fires 5 , much interest has<br />

been directed toward developing safer domestic appliances and<br />

energy sources. 14 An example of such a strategy is the inexpensive<br />

redesigned flat kerosene lamp, designed by burn surgeon Dr.<br />

Wijaya Godakumbura of Sri Lanka’s Safe Bottle Lamp Project. 16<br />

Although outcome studies have not formally been performed, with<br />

over 600 000 lamps distributed and accompanying community<br />

based education addressing basic fire-safety, this project is<br />

anticipated to have a major impact on the incidence of lamprelated<br />

accidents.<br />

Recognizing the complexity of the issue and its regional<br />

challenges, the WHO, in collaboration with international partner<br />

agencies, developed in 2008 an evidence-based global strategy<br />

for burn prevention and care. 5<br />

Pathophysiology of burns<br />

There are several processes involved in the local tissue responses<br />

after a burn. An increase in vascular permeability leads to the loss<br />

of water, electrolytes, proteins and heat. 11 The complement and<br />

coagulation cascades are activated and this results in thrombosis<br />

and the release of histamine and bradykinin. These mediators<br />

cause an increase in capillary leak and interstitial edema in distant<br />

organs and soft tissue. In addition, the activation of the<br />

inflammatory cascade can lead to immune dysfunction. All of<br />

these responses increase the patient’s susceptibility to sepsis and<br />

multiple organ failure. 17 These systemic responses are significant<br />

once a burn exceeds 20 percent of the patient’s body surface.<br />

Hypovolemia, immunosuppression, bacterial translocation from<br />

the gut, and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) can<br />

ensue. 11<br />

Initial management<br />

Primary survey<br />

The rapid implementation of the ABCs of trauma management<br />

(airway, breathing, circulation) also applies to burns. The initial<br />

physical examination of the burn victim should focus on assessing<br />

the airway and the patient’s hemodynamic status, as well as<br />

estimating the size and depth of the burn. Airway edema can<br />

result in airway obstruction and death. One hundred percent<br />

oxygen should be administered from the outset. If there are any<br />

concerns about the adequacy of the airway, prompt endotracheal<br />

intubation is mandated. 18 In addition, signs of inhalational injuries<br />

should be quickly recognized.<br />

If there are concerns of cervical spine injuries, nasotracheal<br />

intubation can be performed because it has the advantages of<br />

decreased cervical spine manipulation and the tube can be easily<br />

secured by suturing it to the nasal septum. The disadvantage of<br />

nasotracheal tubes is that they tend to be of smaller caliber, which<br />

are not as good for suctioning, and may increase the risk of<br />

sinusitis. In difficult cases, fiber-optic bronchoscopy (if available)<br />

can prove to be an invaluable tool in securing the airway. Vocal<br />

cords, directly injured from smoke, may be resistant to usual<br />

topical anesthesia and care must be exercised to avoid<br />

laryngospasm. Consideration should be given to securing the<br />

tube to the teeth with wires (or heavy sutures), rather than risking<br />

further damage to burned facial skin with tie-tapes.<br />

Once the airway has been addressed, the next step is to place<br />

two large-bore (at least 14 gauge) peripheral intravenous catheters<br />

through non-burned viable tissue. If necessary, these catheters<br />

can be placed through burned skin because the eschar is still<br />

sterile in the acute phase and more importantly, death can result<br />

from delays in fluid resuscitation. A Foley catheter should be<br />

placed to monitor urine output because this is the most<br />

straightforward and reliable indicator of intravascular volume<br />

status in the majority of these patients. Associated life-threatening<br />

injuries such as cardiac tamponade, pneumothorax, hemothorax,<br />

and flail chest must be identified and treated quickly 18 Tetanus<br />

toxoid should also be administered routinely to all burn patients,<br />

depending on immune status.<br />

Assessment of injury<br />

Quantifying the extent (Figures 1 & 2) of the burn is crucial in<br />

determining subsequent management. Burns are dynamic injuries,<br />

and damage to the skin can continue for 24 to 48 hours after the<br />

initial injury due to edema, coagulation of small vessels, pressure,<br />

desiccation, and infection. Thus daily evaluation is of paramount<br />

importance in reassessing burn depth and success of excision 17 .<br />

Superficial burns (1st degree) are generally red, painful, and<br />

involve the most superficial aspect of the skin; as such, they are<br />

not included in the calculation of total body surface area (TBSA).<br />

These blanch to the touch 19 and have an intact epidermal barrier.<br />

Examples include sunburn or a minor scald from a kitchen<br />

accident. These burns will heal spontaneously, will not require<br />

operative treatment, and will not result in scarring. Treatment is<br />

aimed at comfort with the use of soothing topical salves with or<br />

without aloe and oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.<br />

Surgery is not required for these patients. 20<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> and Healthcare Innovation Book 2009/2010 55

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