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Hansard - United Kingdom Parliament


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43 Pensions Bill [Lords]<br />

20 JUNE 2011<br />

Pensions Bill [Lords]<br />

44<br />

[Mr Duncan Smith]<br />

sacrifice. It will also simplify administration for employers<br />

by aligning the earnings trigger with the existing personal<br />

tax threshold.<br />

Jonathan Evans (Cardiff North) (Con): My right<br />

hon. Friend refers specifically to the linkage of the<br />

personal allowance but, as he knows, our Government<br />

are committed to increasing the allowance significantly.<br />

What impact is that likely to have on auto-enrolment?<br />

Mr Duncan Smith: We are committed to reviewing<br />

that year by year, so I can assure my hon. Friend that we<br />

will constantly take it forward and not leave it static.<br />

Introducing a waiting period of up to three months,<br />

which has been widely discussed and debated, will ease<br />

the regulatory burden on employers. We had many<br />

representations from employers. In view of the present<br />

circumstances and the difficulties that many of them<br />

face, it is important to recognise the key considerations<br />

that we had to take into account in framing the Bill.<br />

Workers will retain the right to opt into the system if<br />

they consider it to be in their best interests to do so.<br />

That is important. Although we are allowing a let-out,<br />

if workers want to enter they will retain the right to do<br />

so. The Bill also amends legislation to enable employers<br />

with defined contribution schemes to self-certify their<br />

scheme. That is simple and straightforward. It makes it<br />

easier for employers with an existing scheme to try to<br />

align that. If it is aligned closely enough, the scheme<br />

can go ahead, saving employers the complication of<br />

having to change and engage in a new scheme. That is<br />

fairer and more reasonable.<br />

Steve McCabe (Birmingham, Selly Oak) (Lab): Given<br />

that the vast majority of the 600,000 people who will be<br />

excluded from getting a pension under the raised threshold<br />

are women, is the Secretary of State at all worried that<br />

the Bill is beginning to look as if it discriminates against<br />

women?<br />

Mr Duncan Smith: I recognise the hon. Gentleman’s<br />

concern. We are not blind to the issue, but we have<br />

decided to strike a balance between making the scheme<br />

work from the beginning and avoiding driving people<br />

on very low incomes into sacrificing too much and<br />

therefore not seeing the rewards. It is important to make<br />

the point that in the Green Paper, as the hon. Gentleman<br />

will have noticed, we talk about the single tier pension,<br />

from which there will be very significant benefits to<br />

women. We hope that in due course that will achieve a<br />

balance.<br />

I do not dismiss the hon. Gentleman’s considerations.<br />

We keep the issue constantly under review and will<br />

watch carefully to see what happens. It is important that<br />

we get auto-enrolment off the ground in a stable manner.<br />

I hope hon. Members on both sides of the House<br />

recognise that these are balanced decisions—sometimes<br />

nuanced decisions—that we have to take, but we will<br />

make sure that we review them.<br />

Mr Tom Watson (West Bromwich East) (Lab): Will<br />

the Secretary of State give way?<br />

Mr Duncan Smith: Indeed. How can I resist?<br />

Mr Watson: The right hon. Gentleman knows that I<br />

have always admired his ambition, but is he familiar<br />

with the Burkean maxim that change always brings<br />

certain loss and only possible gain? What appears to sit<br />

within the proposals he is outlining today is certain loss<br />

for many thousands of women facing retirement. Will<br />

he sketch out a little more how he intends to give them<br />

security, given that many trade unions—the Public and<br />

Commercial Services Union, Unite, GMB and Unison—<br />

have just voted for strike action? I strongly contend that<br />

fear about insecurity in retirement is fuelling that.<br />

Mr Duncan Smith: It is always nice to be accused of<br />

having ambition. I thought I was supposed to have<br />

given that up a few years ago, but I will be tempted by<br />

the hon. Gentleman. Workers can still opt in. They<br />

must be told that they can opt in, and if they feel it is the<br />

right thing to do, auto-enrolment will still be open to<br />

them. I will not be tempted just yet on the other subject<br />

to which the hon. Gentleman refers, which is the pensions<br />

age. I will take an intervention from him, if he wishes,<br />

when we get to that. For the moment I want to stay on<br />

auto-enrolment. As I said earlier, I recognise that these<br />

are not absolutes. In other words, to get the scheme<br />

going we have taken some of these decisions, but we will<br />

see where that goes. If there is a very big drive for more<br />

to go into it, we will take that into consideration.<br />

Amendments made in the other place will ensure that<br />

the strength of the certification test is maintained by<br />

requiring that I and subsequent Secretaries of State<br />

ensure that at least 90% of jobholders receive at least<br />

the same level of contributions under the certification<br />

test as they would have received based on the relevant<br />

quality requirement for automatic enrolment. Employers<br />

told us in discussions that the certification test will<br />

significantly ease the process of automatic enrolment.<br />

I believe that these changes, taken together, will allow<br />

us to present individuals and businesses with a credible<br />

set of reforms that will bring much of the next generation<br />

into saving for the first time, which was Labour’s intention<br />

when in government, and one that we will pursue, thus<br />

beginning to improve the poor level of saving. There<br />

has been some talk, not necessarily by hon. Members<br />

here, about the possibilities of mis-selling. We have<br />

retained the powers to prevent excessive charging in<br />

automatic enrolment schemes and will use them as<br />

necessary and keep them constantly under review.<br />

Part 3 of the Bill covers occupational pension measures,<br />

including a few relatively minor changes to the legislation<br />

governing the uprating of occupational pensions. The<br />

Bill amends existing legislation to set the indexation<br />

and revaluation of occupational pensions at the general<br />

level of prices. These changes are consequential amendments<br />

that follow the Government’s decision to use the consumer<br />

prices index as the most appropriate measure of inflation<br />

for benefits and pensions.<br />

I remind the House that the key legislation for setting<br />

the statutory minimums for the revaluation and indexation<br />

of occupational pensions is not in the Bill, as we have<br />

already considered the issue in previous debates on the<br />

Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order 2010. This is<br />

not the time to revisit those debates, but no doubt<br />

someone will want to. Hon. Members might wish to<br />

note that all the Government will do is set out the<br />

minimum increases; if schemes want to pay more than<br />

the statutory minimums, that is a matter for them.

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