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Web Application Penetration Testing<br />

Web Application Penetration Testing<br />

where name is the .mdb filename and table is a valid database table. In<br />

case of password protected databases, multiple software utilities can<br />

be used to crack the password. Please refer to the references.<br />

Blind SQL Injection Testing<br />

Blind SQL Injection vulnerabilities are by no means the most easily exploitable<br />

SQL injections while testing real-life applications. In case of<br />

recent versions of MS Access, it is also not feasible to execute shell<br />

commands or read/write arbitrary files.<br />

In case of blind SQL injections, the attacker can only infer the result of<br />

the query by evaluating time differences or application responses. It is<br />

supposed that the reader already knows the theory behind blind SQL<br />

injection attacks, as the remaining part of this section will focus on MS<br />

Access specific details.<br />

The following example is used:<br />

http:/www.example.com/index.php?myId=[sql]<br />

where the id parameter is used within the following query:<br />

SELECT * FROM orders WHERE [id]=$myId<br />

our string, we can use the IFF, MID and LAST functions to infer the<br />

actual value of the username. In our example, we employ IFF to return<br />

a number or a string. Using this trick, we can distinguish whether we<br />

have a true response or not, by observing application error responses.<br />

As id is numeric, the comparison with a string results in a SQL error<br />

that can be potentially leaked by 500 Internal Server Error pages. Otherwise,<br />

a standard 200 OK page will be likely returned.<br />

For example, we can have the following query:<br />

http:/www.example.com/index.php?id=’%20AND%201=0%20<br />

OR%20’a’=IIF((select%20MID(LAST(username),1,1)%20<br />

from%20(select%20TOP%2010%20username%20from%20users))=’a’,’a’,’b’)%00<br />

that is TRUE if the first character is ‘a’ or false otherwise.<br />

As mentioned, this method allows to infer the value of arbitrary strings<br />

within the database:<br />

[1] By trying all printable values, until we find a match<br />

[2] By inferring the length of the string using the LEN function, or by<br />

simply stopping after we have found all characters<br />

for NoSQL injection attacks will need to familiarize themselves with<br />

the syntax, data model, and underlying programming language in order<br />

to craft specific tests.<br />

NoSQL injection attacks may execute in different areas of an application<br />

than traditional SQL injection. Where SQL injection would execute<br />

within the database engine, NoSQL variants may execute during<br />

within the application layer or the database layer, depending on the<br />

NoSQL API used and data model. Typically NoSQL injection attacks will<br />

execute where the attack string is parsed, evaluated, or concatenated<br />

into a NoSQL API call.<br />

Additional timing attacks may be relevant to the lack of concurrency<br />

checks within a NoSQL database. These are not covered under injection<br />

testing. At the time of writing MongoDB is the most widely used<br />

NoSQL database, and so all examples will feature MongoDB APIs.<br />

How to Test<br />

Testing for NoSQL injection vulnerabilities in MongoDB:<br />

The MongoDB API expects BSON (Binary JSON) calls, and includes a<br />

secure BSON query assembly tool. However, according to MongoDB<br />

documentation - unserialized JSON and JavaScript expressions are<br />

permitted in several alternative query parameters.[4] The most commonly<br />

used API call allowing arbitrary JavaScript input is the $where<br />

operator.<br />

With normal SQL injection, a similar vulnerability would allow an attacker<br />

to execute arbitrary SQL commands - exposing or manipulating<br />

data at will. However, because JavaScript is a fully featured language,<br />

not only does this allow an attacker to manipulate data, but also to<br />

run arbitrary code. For example, instead of just causing an error when<br />

testing, a full exploit would use the special characters to craft valid JavaScript.<br />

This input 0;var date=new Date(); do{curDate = new Date();}while(cur-<br />


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