1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech


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In the battle to win tenure, there<br />

is always an overriding threat to<br />

or<br />

m,ny fnSl'uClO'S<br />

01 such ;I prae-<br />

Constance Gefvert held 1M posItion<br />

n Dlrecto. 01 Ihe r,nhMiln [",lIsh Pr0-<br />

gram for elthr years. Du rinl flv .. 01 t~<br />

el,k! yurs she wotlced on .. te.lbook to<br />

compoetf! "'fill the p""IK~.H.1I H" .. dh.xri of<br />

Ealllislt. She completed II H ... d"""ll/ """ri·<br />

c •• [~ In Iilnu;lry ot 19a~ and II will be<br />

I>ubllshed 11I1 .. n~ryof Ins. While Dr.Cel.<br />

vertlKOCnlled the nKHsllyofpubUshlnl<br />

~nd lese""h to add to Ihe pool oIlf!achlnll<br />

material to m.lntaln a symblotk ra!he,<br />

than p,,, .. sUle ."I;l1lollslllp. she questioned<br />

the i'bIllty d the Unl~ MVIew boiwd 10<br />

differentiate betw"e" I he levels of<br />

leachr", .blliry. Cetv..n pointed to Ihe rl!­<br />

vlew bo.Ird"s orientation toward p~tI.<br />

CkJus publish"" whil:h sevoed 10 p.oe tenure<br />

to InJ(rU(torJ who w.:o"" just - competenr<br />

I1Ith .. , t~n IOOd or "...l$llIndl"l- Dr<br />

~rt 's opinion held true In other col.<br />

1qe-s. llso<br />

Dr loll .. L junkln, diM ~panment 01<br />

En.cln~rllII ScreMe 'lid Mecil;lnks. one 01<br />

the most prolific dep.ilrtmenlS In terms of<br />

publish In,. upheld the hl,h poSition 01<br />

schoLtol$blp ... hlle concummtly rec&nlzlnl<br />

the competillon bel ... ee~ scholarship and<br />

In51""ellon, 0 •. lunklns completed a textbook<br />

titled Opll",.1 SPII'ter.11 R.I.lj.~.1<br />

Mo",wlland ~;lrlous othello\>m .. 1 artld .. ~ .<br />

In I~) . O. Junkins III'iiIS "lII'iiIrdf'd the<br />

Mechanle.lll.nd Control of FlI,hl Alll'iilrd by<br />

th .. Amerlaln InsUtute of AeroMutics and<br />

A$uon .. ullcs ... direct resull of his extensive<br />

,eseirch and publication. 0 •. lunklns<br />

stated that ..... II.published and prestl,Iou5<br />

resean;:h III'iiIS essentl .. 1 to the Collele of<br />

Enllneerln, to supplem"nt Insufficient<br />

lunds pthered throu,h the spOnSOorShlp of<br />

p,I""e Indultry. His annual ..., ....' ch<br />

budlet III'iiIS S25O.ooo. a sal"t .. 10 lunklns­<br />

III'OfII from both the lO"emment and prl\lilte<br />

indusuy Thus. ~p .. bllsho< perlsh ~ beame<br />

Mpubllsb and fIourlsh ~ lor 'untins. Whl~ Of.<br />

lunklns' emp"-slJ on scholarship 111'ii15

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