1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech


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"<br />

tertainment with Style<br />

,<br />

"<br />

I Interest. rath", than "'ere<br />

n~-oriented or literary. What began as an<br />

Idea foul years iliO to publ!s/I a magazine<br />

Similar to the N .... Riw. Wllt~ AJ"Q~M resulted<br />

In a unique campus publication.<br />

The CO chose lIS SUbJKI material based<br />

on Its timelessness. Informative quality.<br />

and most of all. Interest. DIII~ent CO staffers<br />

literally found out everythln, they<br />

could about such sublKts as the Hokle<br />

Club. the <strong>Tech</strong> Honor System, and bar hop..­<br />

pin, In Blacksbull. and then Incorporated<br />

tile Information InlO entertalnln, articles.<br />

"Puttln& a story loteth", Is a lot of work,"<br />

commented CO member IoAnn Suh. "and<br />

I" do IIl11\th the /lope thil the .. rUde wilL<br />

a.._lidl __ .......... edltorW<br />

t.,.o __ OIId_<br />

-<br />

be just as fun and I/It~"I1O the ~ "<br />

~phy was l!>Othe. ke)!,.element 01<br />

the CO as It published numerous photos<br />

thlO"IIhoUI the year. "CO provides an awesome<br />

chance 10. photoeraphers 10 display<br />

thellworkand pin exposure," raved David<br />

E.Knachel. pholo edUor. The CO focused In<br />

On phowcraphy by ~pon50rlnl a conlest<br />

winter quarter wUh the winnlnl photos<br />

published In Ihe sprlnl. Each Issue al50<br />

Included pholo essays.<br />

Coordlnatlnl all the stories and photos<br />

Into a presentable format was the concern<br />

of layoul edUor Chris Taylor. ··We try to<br />

emulate 50me of the beller 1lIiI8i1llnes.<br />

such a~ 11ft:. Taylm said. To ke.:p up with<br />

new Iden. the CO exchanled Issues with<br />

Olher collele malla~lnes . IncorporaUni<br />

what Ihey learned Into ne ... and Interestln8<br />

millerial.<br />

SuPIIOIt for the CO C41me from the ~<br />

delil publlC41lions board. and. 01 course.<br />

ad~nlsers . Accordlnllto Chris Taylor. sIaf·<br />

lers experienced ··sheer excllement"· as<br />

they hit the pa~menl 10 ict suPPOrt. bUI<br />

ott .. n encounl"red difficulty du .. 10 Ih ..<br />

mapzln ..·s n ..... ness: ho ..... ver. they were<br />

able to make a profit. As well as encourati­<br />

In8 ad~nlsers · suppott. the CO encour·<br />

iI.IIed any Interesled person to wort. for Ihe<br />

mapzlne. as It offered a true !liSle of",""1<br />

n\3iizlne wort.ls like. Il\(ludl"lexperience<br />

In phOl"lraphy. mart.eUnl. ilnd lraphk<br />

.M.<br />

·We ... ant 10 be Interestl",)"" slressed<br />

editor Karen Pallarlto. ··ll"sa difficult task to<br />

reach .. v .. ryone on campus bearuse there<br />

ar .. so many dlflerent Iyp,," of people<br />

here:· Plans lor th .. fUlure Il\(luded lOinl<br />

beyond In..depth rePOnl",. expandlnl to<br />

Investlpllve repottlllf:. and Increaslnlthe<br />

n\3iizlne·s Site. ·We really encouraee stu·<br />

dent support:· added Karen. ·We don·t<br />

wanl anyone to miss out:·<br />


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