1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech


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Creativity runs rampant in the<br />

College of Education's many locations<br />

Unity Despite Separation<br />

unity.<br />

G_linll the smell of chlorine from the<br />

swim mine pool whll .. approachinll the<br />

dean's olflce. a visitor might hav .. won·<br />

dere.:! If this colle, .. might have had obvious<br />

hardships due 10 Its placement<br />

Upon ml!f!tinl Dean RobertSmlth.these<br />

obst.lCles beame miniscule. Dean Smith<br />

refI~led the enthusiasm and wlilininess<br />

to serve that th .. Colle,,, of Educatlon<br />

stood fof. As he said. ''There are enormous<br />

amounts 01 Intellectual sUmulaUon under<br />

the 51",ln of rIOt beln, In One buildi" • ."<br />

This stimulatiOll be"," with the faculty<br />

and III'iIS then broughl to the students. [)o,an<br />

SmUll called the colle,"'5 professors a "super,<br />

younll faculty ... dOin& interesting<br />

lhln,s." BKause of the faculty_ Inte.est.<br />

many new pfOirams were begun at the Collelle<br />

of Eduation.<br />

" Center fo. dia&nOSlk and remedial ed·<br />

ucatlon wa5 established to provide for chll·<br />

dren wl!h educonlon problems. This program<br />

not only he l~d th~ Impaired chll·<br />

dren, but also tilught the stud~nt5 Involved<br />

new Ideas On approaching thiS co~cem .<br />

An educational microcomputer lab ""'"s<br />

created to provide stud~nts with romputer<br />

IIt~racy using microcomputers. This lab<br />

sponsored three IWO-week summer camps<br />

far 210 children from the e;ost cooS!.<br />

An exer.:lse physiolOljY cardiac lab was<br />

Cfeited to t""n students WMlwanted to be<br />

cenlfled physloloslsts. An Institutional<br />

study 01 uceptlanalilles was also made to<br />

I~t stude~t ... nd the facully sludy Ih~ hand·<br />

lwofk of one another. This WaS an e.ample<br />

01 the Intellectual Cfea!ivlty the faculty pas-<br />

........<br />

As !he premiere Collese of Educalion in<br />

Vlralnia. this call~lIe not only 1",ln~d slu,<br />

dents In leachlne. but also trained them for<br />

wort outSide of public schools. These plans<br />

Induded training as su~rvlsors. superln·<br />

tendents. and counselors. in such as;encles<br />

as the Red Cross. and training In drug and<br />

aloohol programs.<br />

The undereraduatesof the Coi!ege of Ed·<br />

uc.allon were not restricted only to educa·<br />

tion malors. Twenty to 25 percent were stu·<br />

dents already ""'loring In another ooll~g~ .<br />

Of the IInd~re'ad""tes malarlng In educ.a.<br />

tlon. n to 80 percent of their d"sses we,e<br />

In other ",,,deml, levels In order to<br />

achieve. as Dean Smith said. "" pedagOlj"<br />

lcal education."<br />

Despite location difficulties. the College<br />

of Education continued to add to th~ ex·<br />

cellence of th~ UnlversUy by Indudlng<br />

community se'\llce with their Own<br />

academics.<br />

KOSC"~ Mllit. _ _ _ _ _

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