1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech


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Positive Attitude<br />

Engineering goes for the "right stUff"<br />

~t PlacflOilhe RI,ht Stuff hat waS<br />

the ntptto On I CoI!IFlle of Enlllltii'e~n, post.<br />

'!t lIped to I door In t~ En~neerin,<br />

~n't; office in n1 No~ To be tH e;Rl&ht<br />

Stu I", <strong>Tech</strong>'S !!:IflonlMy acclaimed 0,.<br />

elneeii'nll coUelle, a·fresh..,.n had to be"ln<br />

the top 10 pen:ent of his hiit' KhoOl senior<br />

class and SCOre an averail~ 0112 10 on the<br />

Scholastic Aplltude TesL ~<br />

The Collelle of En,lnee.,... !leI(! enrol!·<br />

menl frozen OIl 0;000 undefioo ... tes and<br />

8CXl,raduales with a Ie ... Sf":Ices~, trans·<br />

leml\f: students. Women, 'flo c~sed<br />

one-quarter of the college C011 tlnued ...<br />

ha ve an impact On the collelle. 85 the f!"'\.<br />

dents 01 Tau Beta Pi Ian all·Eng'neerfn,<br />

Iralernltyl and th e Student Enilineers<br />

Council were botn "",men.<br />

Some freshmen who weren't accepted<br />

into the el\f:lneerfnll currlculum Opted to<br />

transle. late, on In their rollelle careers. In<br />

order to do that, they had to take the math<br />

and science sequences required of a ll en·<br />

lIineenn, students. Also, they had to have<br />

the "besl'" OCA, accordlnll to Dcan !';oul E.<br />

Torllersen. Th is "best" OCA varied by departme<br />

nts, but the aver3ile ""'S 15 out 01<br />

4.0.<br />

Dcan T""ersen .said that the mOSt Important<br />

pi reached by the En,lneerin,<br />

college was the "tran51U0n Into instrucUon<br />

on the personal computer." To achieve this<br />

110;11, Ihe University Installed th.ee labs<br />

with "30" personal rompule", In each lab.<br />

However, the Coiie,e 01 En,ineenn, had<br />

Its share of ..... ron, stuff:' too. The "",,,,t<br />

aspect by far 01 the Enilineerin, eo\le,e,<br />

acrord!n, to Dr. TO'llersen. was "crowded<br />

rondlUonsl" Mov!n, part 01 the rolle'le to<br />

!';onon Hall helped to resol .... thIs problem<br />

somewhat.<br />

Students and faculty ... ere the best<br />

asp ects of the colle,e, s a id Dean<br />

TO'llersen. "1 am rather pleased 'o\I'Ilh the<br />

morale 01 students and laculty !>«.au ... of<br />

their attitude that the educational process<br />

Is ""'rth dolnll. I believe that what we have<br />

here Is a ""~ I'I>!ili .... thlnl."<br />

_____ ~WIi;I"t~ Milltt' _____ _<br />

Dr. Baird enjoys a professor's freedom<br />

up-to-date" was Important. so "resean:h Is<br />

vital to maintain a certain level of educa·<br />

lion," he .saId.<br />

Finally, the "freedom to be sell·<br />

motivated and to dedicate some time to<br />

me" ""'. Important to Baird. AI;. a Chemical<br />

Enilineerfnil professor, he was constantly<br />

offered lobs In Industry, but Ba,rd relused<br />

them !>«.ause he did nOt "",nt to lose the<br />

freedom of chooslnll hi. own leachln,<br />

methods, consuilln, "arlous firms, and<br />

holdlnll seminars.<br />

When Professor Baird ... asn't e~erdslnll<br />

his mental capabilities, he exen:lsed his<br />

body runnlnll Or pta.yln, tennis. However.<br />

Baird said most of his fre" Ume wa. de·<br />

voted to his wile and two smatl boys.<br />

"Klds are prelly brillnt," Baird .saId of<br />

<strong>Tech</strong> students. "Usually they're failinll be·<br />

ca use they',e not trylnll hard enou,h."<br />

W~iI".~ Millt,<br />

". A former student 01 Professor 631 rd' • .sa Id<br />

that Baird ""'s a "down·to-earth·· teache.,<br />

He has a llood sense of humor, whlcn Is<br />

neces.sary to teach his students "heavy<br />

material," .saId Baird. "1 don't ... ant to Kare<br />

them off,"<br />

Baird "njoyed his lob for three main<br />

reaSOnS, First, "lnleractln8 with students<br />

offers different challenges. Some Sludents<br />

a,e very enthu.lastic about learn In, ... hile<br />

others a.e wonderinl why I'm leachln,<br />

them thl. stuff." Baird's p nllosophy to<br />

"",ndenn8 students, "Compta.!n or leam:'<br />

""othe. reason Baird li ked teachlng,...,s<br />

because ··It lorces you to roneentrate on<br />

leamlng." Keeplnillectures "pollshed and<br />

-.<br />

o.. IIoIo-d •• """"" 01 CI."",iGot ~_ ...<br />

""""100 ..,.·N....,""li>o ""kK to M. _pi> Holt<br />

Thlo pooIO', _ 1ft !he Collet< 0/ ~"H'ri ..<br />

0..0', _ , to .>

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