1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech


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Dedication, sacrifice spur Hokies on<br />

their Swim to Success<br />

No Improv1nc ~ . a "'1~ oq....d. and<br />

Inte, times 1011 .. dded to this y" ..·s<br />

women"s swimmlllllNm By mld·~ason<br />

th.,lr ,ecotd waSan Impe.e WillS<br />

much to be proud 01. three NCAA swimmers<br />

.etumed from 1i151 yeil" sprtntel'S 01-<br />

an .... 8enedictis arid Uncia Krumwiede and<br />

d ive. Oebble Williams. The .emalnlnl<br />

team members also did ""'ry _II, They<br />

~~ solid In .lIlhe strokes ~nd esp«lalty<br />

stronc In $prints. Outslandl", J,"lmm~B<br />

~.., f~SI~I'" ~Id ... Molloy. bKlIstfQk."<br />

Ind f..,nl~lt' sprlnte' lull., Myers. ~nd dis-<br />

1;11>(" swimmer Sheryl Love, !>ebbl.. WII·<br />

lI~ms q..allfled 10. flrsl fOund NCAA and<br />

Unda Kru mwiede Is looklnK forward 10<br />

INIkl", AII .Americ.on thi. yea,<br />

CoAtI! Rkh.ltd 8;lc\fl has ~n with the<br />

team for oyer .. yoe" ~ h.,~ ~h ,rod said<br />

he ,,"toyed woot'nl wilh lhe swimmers.<br />

The lou. hours of practice e;oeh cUy helpe:l<br />

to Inc.e_ dflflc'aUon and a~ ok"",nded<br />

_rifle." all 01 which Ct»Ch 8;tde, hoped<br />

the swlmme,s would apply 10 the I.<br />

iOCademlcl and thel. lives . C"'O'C'C'C":':",--_<br />

loI.'4 ce, U -<br />


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