1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech


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Was It the bleak. grey weather that prompted low<br />

student spirit? Did It matter If the sun came out at all?<br />


SPIRIT FADE"""'"<br />

S<br />

omelhln!! was I .. cklni durinll<br />

halftime al Ihe Hom«omlnll<br />

football lIame ... spirit. AI·<br />

IhoUllh the weather was cold.<br />

the Hokle fans' enthuslasm ..... s<br />

lukewarm al best, as evldenc"d by the<br />

b;I",ly half.lUled stadium wh ich sl"adlly<br />

lost fans aft". halftlme. Tu rnout al Olh".<br />

Hom«omlnll activit I". was bette •. bul<br />

somelhl,,!! was still mlSSlnll- "Th" whol"<br />

......,kend nound"red In medlocrlly." sum·<br />

med up dlSllust"d und"'II.aduale lohn<br />

Simmons.<br />

o"e 01 the problems may hav" ~n Ihe<br />

new method 01 selectlnglhe homecomln,<br />

qu .... n candldal"s. lnstead 01 simply beln,<br />

nominated by O'lIo"nlzatlons. Ihe ccondldales<br />

hi>d to to Ihroullh an Inlervlewlng<br />

process In which len finalists w"", chosen:<br />

Kim Anderson. lenny Hays, Lo,1 lon"s.<br />

K.llhl .... n Kill, Cindy Kome",y, Ellen Mil_<br />

ler, Elisa Poleal, Robin Russell. Krislen<br />

Saacke, and Bedle SII,ele' , The ",aSOf1 10,<br />

Ihe new process waS 10 support Ihe " . ­<br />

pa ndlni rol" of the qu .... n by chooslne only<br />

undldate. whom th" lu dlles felt we.e<br />

appropriate lor the new dUlles 01 Ihe<br />

"" mblis§ado," 10, the ccompus. The que..n's<br />

new dudes Incl~ded. amonll other aCIMlies,<br />

work!n, with Ihe admlsslonsoffke and<br />

.... rious hl,h schools.<br />

Mothe. problem thaI may ha"" afleeled<br />

Hokle Homecomlnll spirit was the foolball<br />

pme Itself. Sludents did 1>01 have the<br />

announcement 01 Hom e comln, Oueen<br />

Krislen Saacke 10 look lo,,",am 10 durinll<br />

top 01 all that and """ ftnds a b;od

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