1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech


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I'D"li.~rd fro .. "." 1871<br />

Women's field hock .. y was demoted<br />

lrom varsity to dub status a couple 01 years<br />

;,.go due to " Iad of popularity." according<br />

to member Lel&h Knupp. Their season Is In<br />

the lall and """S from September thmu&h<br />

November. Ho,,'ever. Ihe women are ,,15(1<br />

Quite acll~ In the winter and spring. when<br />

they hold scrimm"lle. "",Inst each other In<br />

th" Field House 10 help with their stkkworl<<br />

and tokeepln shape. Th lspast..,ao;o" nine<br />

freShmen started and Ihey played against<br />

SOme varsity teams "1\ ",;os a building<br />

year," .. Id Leillh Knupp. EveI)' girl th.U<br />

II""" 10 practice Is allowed to play In the<br />

games. Interesllngly "nou(ll. men are also<br />

welcome to loin Ihe club. as lon&as \h"y are<br />

seriously Interested In play In, the game.<br />

Perhaps the most popular club spon Is<br />

w"llIlIllIlIln&. which Is the lar,esl dub on<br />

c.amp~s . With SO many members. the prob.<br />

lem of oven:rowdln, has arisen. Club dues<br />

we.., ..,.,enlly raised. In hopes that they<br />

millht be able to e xpand beyond their<br />

preseM faclllUes. The hl&hU,hts 01 the Fall<br />

Stamina, guts and pride<br />

quaner was the Mr. and Ms. College Body·<br />

bulldln, Championship. hosted by the club<br />

and sponsored by the AAU . Competitors.<br />

mainly from the EaSt CoaSt. l"thered lor<br />

thiS naUonal even!. which amaIde kid ...<br />


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