1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech


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A Whole Learning Experience<br />

Study Abro.>d was nol simply lakln« a<br />

series of classes In a fo~l,n country. Rather<br />

It waS a whole I .. amln, .. x~rI.:nc" of Jlvlnll<br />

with the ~pl .. , ~I"i \h .. counlry, and<br />

lakin, Pilrt In a djfferent ..... v of life.<br />

Th .. sludents .. uended classes for six of<br />

II1e .. Iiht " ..... ks of the trip. Four dlffe,ent<br />

courses we,,, offered for the [nlilsh and<br />

humanIU ... malors; however. Ihe PI'OIII1Im<br />

was DPI'" to Interested students from any<br />

curriculum.<br />

Each course had 30 hours of classlO(lm<br />

instruction. but students took many Held<br />

!rips to surrounding a~ and pbces of Int<br />

...... sl .... Iated to the tOurs. ney lived at<br />

HrsI with a family from Brlihton and then<br />

e xperienced living In English university<br />

donns. This provided a ,,,,at deal 01 Insl&hl<br />

Inm the ""V of life In ElWand. Every mlr>ure<br />

..... a I .. amlni experience. ne sludy<br />

pJOCl3m ended In Edlnbu'Ih where Sludents<br />

lived wllh Soottlsh families 10. twO<br />

weeks.<br />

The last twO weeks of Ihe p"'i'ilm Ihe<br />

studenls spenl on Ihelrown. Irnvellinc a ny_<br />

where In Europe. There was also a two­<br />

\II~k I)f!riod of havel within the United<br />

Kingdom to places 01 hlstorlQI and cullurnl<br />

Importance.<br />

Each student went throuCh a broad spec:.<br />

trum of experiences. This was nO! Ius! an<br />

eduQUonal tour In the sense of leamln~ In<br />

Ihe classroom. [very ilCUon 01 the students<br />

was a learn Inc experience. The Study<br />

Abroad pro~ram was definitely a we llrounded<br />

lOu, wh rch students will probably<br />

remember forever. _______<br />

liw 1"'"1<br />

SiItIq bO a ......... a" o ...noo~ ", Edl"bu~<br />

_0u"~<br />

SImot: to .... ~ ..- 0/ chd, _ po ......<br />

ore Shelat Oweft. _1 8101" ....J lot. .nothe<<br />

,,_, ""'" ..... "'" Iorelpl «>unit)'<br />

332 _

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