1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech


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With a string of wins, including the State<br />

Championship and the Metro Conference Tournament<br />

Hokies Net Success<br />

1983 Men's Tennis<br />

19 wins 6 losses<br />

Ted!<br />

Oppo!1e111<br />

a AplW'lachian State I<br />

7 HamplOn InsUMe 1<br />

8 Rochesler I<br />

a EdInboro SlIIle I<br />

8 Georte MoI""n I<br />

) Vlllin'" /)<br />

') Ohio Unlvefsity<br />

, More .... ad SUile •<br />

') Htch Poinl 0<br />

• N c. SUite S<br />

, Wake FOfesl •<br />

I Duke a<br />

o North caroll.... /)<br />

/)<br />

J<br />

Div\d""n<br />

Furman<br />

1<br />

/)<br />

1 Georgia 7<br />

/) t:.sl Stn>ud5bu" I<br />

5 VCU 1<br />

')<br />

H;" ...... d 0<br />

') H"mpton·Sydney 0<br />

S Old Dominion<br />

a Rkhmond ,<br />

7 ",mes MadIson 1<br />

6 Radlord 0<br />

7 Wi1!lam & Miry 1<br />

2nd Metro Conference Toum"menl<br />

~I YflOf the IM1l'S tennis INm lied fo<<br />

first pl~e In the Dlvklon I Stale Collq:~te<br />

CNmplonlhlp held In the r~lI. They defe.ated<br />

e .... ryone In Ih .. SUlle .. xcept the<br />

University 01 VI'll"'" durin& their ,..,ular<br />

spo1nll 5e~5011 The Hokles' ove",11 record<br />

III'lIS ~n Impressive I~. They WOn all but<br />

ooe 01 their home matcll .... and shut oul<br />

Hl,h Polnl. Hlrvlrd. Hampden·Sydney.<br />

"nd bdford Themell'lIennlsteam pIKed<br />

a stronc ~ In the Metro Conference<br />

Tou"""",,,"t. They ....... upheld !heIr h""<br />

perfo,..",.nce over Ihe ""51 ~ .... n 10 .. I,1It<br />

,.. •.<br />

Ion R.omthun.le.ilm QPtilin lind four.y .....<br />

.... 1 .."'". ""'" .. tOP ten junior In Florida He<br />

UJ'S"1 til .. number flve pia yer In the nallon.<br />

Alan Mille. Jmm u.e Unlvel'ilty 01 ~.<br />

aJthouclo !he ttokJfs lost to Ceoriia ~raIl .<br />

RoImthun also won Ihe M"11O sln&I".!IIte al<br />

numbe1" one. Alan ~nl\ld;ly. ""1\0 ...... th.,<br />

lOp pLo~r In the boll. won the number two<br />

MelrQ sln.lu championship Mark<br />

Sl:ephens WOII lhe Slale title ",me number<br />

rwo position In the t.n He wa~ ranted III 12<br />

.... Uo .... lly by the UST A In the Uhnd·unde.<br />

dlvlslon, number one In Ihe MIddle Stales,<br />

"nd numbe. one In Philadelphia lerry<br />

_ "".._, 5c" S/>erman '""'" '" hit. boll<br />

tippNOftt ..........<br />

Dorenleld __ the Stale si",1es cl\i.mp al<br />

the n\lmber II..., pMlUon and WHIIII .... lisI<br />

in doubles competition Scotl SM:rm"n<br />

finished 5eOOf\d in the SUite 'ou~menl al<br />

Ihe number sl;o slot Junlof Klmbo Clilrt; has<br />

been "II key member 01 I~e <strong>Tech</strong> squad,­<br />

since his f~hman year. He was ranked<br />

third on the team hi. 5OPhomore year,and<br />

placed hlih In Ihe lineup IiIsl '1111 David<br />

Wolfe, .!>Other member who hu ~n on<br />

Ihe tum since his fres~"....n ~lIr, WilS In·<br />

lured In the summer Ind could not plily<br />

mllC~ In 1M: fi,11. The ~ar before he ~yed<br />

In .n 1M: top foul poslUont. Tim Splno5il,<br />

another four·ye .. r member of the squad.<br />

wasa topten playerfrom lheMlddleStates<br />

Ind sophomore Kevin Kraft was ranked<br />

ISth In Ne .... Enlland as a lunlor<br />

toe Collins. ",ho ",,"s been (OII(hlni the<br />

men's lennls leam since 1971, ",Id that the<br />

caliber of the players ",,"5 Improved. and<br />

the pl.a~rs are m"'~ sllOI'IIer now than<br />

...t.en he f1rsl staned COIChl .... List ye"l's<br />

te.m. he WId, __ one 01 the best - "They<br />

were strlolrs .. boul playlfll' ther worked<br />

"""rd. lind Ihey were determIned "<br />

-,-,,,--,-,,-c..- L.o~ .. U ----<br />

.. ..., ~ 1M IP'O."', ,""" DooefI!e1d<br />

001 .... ,. com« ...... to ICOIO:. _,.

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