1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech

1984 - Special Collections - Virginia Tech


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,... I,.wJ,... ... """" 24<br />

On SoIlutdiy mornl nl./une II. 1~8J. Ine<br />

Budle...:e t.IN to ff'm~ln seated and calm<br />

... nlle tne procession of Rraduales e nte.ed<br />

line Stadiu m Cond"'to. lames Sochlnskl<br />

offlclally Sta rted the day by leadlnll the<br />

University Symphony lland In the p.elude.<br />

ind cadet Trump"teers Issued 1000h the<br />

ce.emonlallinliff'<br />

Chiton C carvin. I ... President and Chief<br />

E .... c .. tlve Olilcer of E.uon Corporation<br />

tnen add.essed the students and thel.<br />

lamilles G'I!I RRI_td. President of the<br />

Clan of In} ... nd ~Idenl Wliliam E. liv·<br />

ery "Iso spoke to Ihe many onlookers In<br />

line Stadium The National<br />

Anlhem lind Ihe Alma Mate.<br />

Aftef the confe.rlnl 01 dell.ees lind con·<br />

clud lnl ,emarks. D. Dennis Ford. Coordl·<br />

OIII tO. 01 Student ",lIalrs. alle.ed the Be·<br />

nedlctlon Fo. a slnlle se

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