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76 Financial Statements<br />

Notes to the Financial Statements<br />

Continued<br />

The Group’s primary exposure to foreign exchange rate risk on unhedged financial instruments arises mainly in respect of movements<br />

between the US dollar (including dollar-pegged currencies) and sterling and between the euro and sterling. At 31 March 2008, if sterling<br />

had strengthened/weakened by 9% against the US dollar then profit after tax would be lower/higher by approximately £0.3m (2007: £0.2m)<br />

and equity would be £0.3m lower/higher (2007: £0.2m). If sterling had strengthened/weakened by 20% against the euro then profit<br />

after tax would be lower/higher by approximately £1.3m (2007: £0.4m) and equity would be £1.3m lower/higher (2007: £0.4m).<br />

The Group’s investments in foreign operations are subject to foreign currency translation risk. A proportion of this risk has been<br />

managed by taking out foreign currency loans in the relevant currency and, in one instance, by maintaining a substantial sterling bank<br />

account balance in the local business. Following a review of hedging policy undertaken during the year, it was decided not to hedge<br />

the Group’s net investment in foreign operations and as a consequence the foreign currency loans were repaid.<br />

ii) Interest rate risk<br />

The Group’s exposure to interest rate risk arises from loan notes, cash and cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value through<br />

profit or loss which are all interest bearing, offset in part by interest bearing borrowings. The majority of items included in the above are<br />

at floating rates of interest or fixed deposits for periods of less than six months; changes in the interest rate result in changes in interest<br />

related cash flow. No interest rate hedging is currently undertaken by the Group or its subsidiaries. If interest rates for the year to<br />

31 March 2008 were 10 basis points higher/lower, then profit after tax for the year would have been approximately £0.1m<br />

(2007: £0.1m) higher/lower, principally due to increased interest received on short-term bank deposits.<br />

iii) Price risk<br />

The Group does not have any equity securities in its balance sheet and is not materially exposed to commodity price risk. Certain longer<br />

term project and framework contracts include indexation clauses that are applied to unit rates to offset the effect of inflation on input<br />

costs over the duration of the agreement. The Group is exposed to price risk to the extent that inflation differs from the index used and<br />

forecast project outcomes that form the basis of revenue recognition include an estimate of this risk where it is present.<br />

b) Credit risk<br />

Credit risk is the risk that the Group will suffer financial loss as a result of counterparties defaulting on their contractual obligations. The<br />

risk arises on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss, cash and cash equivalents and trade and other receivables, with<br />

the maximum exposure to risk equivalent to 100% of the carrying value disclosed in the Group’s balance sheet at 31 March. The Group<br />

does not hold any collateral as security. The majority of the Group’s cash deposits are placed with its relationship banks, which carry at<br />

least an AA credit rating. For deposits and money-market investments placed with banks and financial institutions, only independently<br />

rated parties with a minimum rating of A are accepted. Investments carry a minimum credit rating of A1/P1. Cash and investments are<br />

not concentrated with any one counterparty.<br />

For trade and other receivables, an assessment of credit quality of the customer is made where appropriate using a combination of<br />

external rating agencies, past experience and other factors. In circumstances where credit information is unavailable or poor, the risk<br />

is mitigated by use of advance payments and, by exception, through credit risk insurance. Group policy is not to apply individual credit<br />

limits, although exposure and payment performance are monitored closely both at individual project and client level, with a series of<br />

escalating debt recovery actions taken where necessary. The Group’s customer base is broad and dispersed; there are no concentrations<br />

of credit risk that would cause concern.<br />

c) Liquidity risk<br />

The Group funds its activities through cash generated from its operations and, where necessary, bank borrowings and finance leases.<br />

The Group’s banking facilities include cash facilities and bank guarantees. Cash flow forecasts are prepared covering various periods<br />

from short to long-term to ensure that sufficient funds are available to meet the Group’s commitments as they fall due.<br />

The table below analyses the maturity profile of the Group’s non-derivative financial liabilities. Figures shown are undiscounted.<br />

On demand Between Between<br />

or within 1 and 2 and Over 5 Carrying<br />

2008 1 year 2 years 5 years years Discount value<br />

Hire purchase and finance leases 4.4 4.7 5.3 1.8 (2.2) 14.0<br />

Loan notes 4.3 2.9 0.7 – (0.5) 7.4<br />

Trade payables 52.0 – – – – 52.0<br />

On demand Between Between<br />

or within 1 and 2 and Over 5 Carrying<br />

2007 1 year 2 years 5 years years Discount value<br />

Bank loans – 17.3 – – – 17.3<br />

Hire purchase and finance leases 3.9 4.6 8.1 0.4 (2.3) 14.7<br />

Loan notes 0.4 2.7 3.1 – – 6.2<br />

Trade payables 39.1 – – – – 39.1<br />

Amounts due to Joint Ventures 19.6 – – – – 19.6<br />

WS <strong>Atkins</strong> plc Annual Report 2008

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