National reform programme 2008-2010 Malta - European Commission

National reform programme 2008-2010 Malta - European Commission

National reform programme 2008-2010 Malta - European Commission


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Intensify efforts to tackle undeclared work<br />

A priority for the Maltese Government is to curb the amount of undeclared work. A Candidate<br />

Country Exhaustiveness Project was undertaken in 2002 by the <strong>National</strong> Statistics Office.<br />

This study established that the level of undeclared work in <strong>Malta</strong> then stood at 5.78% of GDP<br />

in 2002 (EuroStat 2002) which is within the EU average.<br />

A number of measures have been undertaken with a view to facilitate employment<br />

registrations for both employees and employers. Further to facilitating the registration of<br />

employees the other alternative is to apply enforcement measures in order to contain illegal<br />

employment.<br />

ETC has a Compliance Unit made up of a team of five inspectors who conduct on-site<br />

inspections and desk investigations on a daily basis to track undeclared employment.<br />

Legislation in <strong>Malta</strong> compels every employer employing a person to notify the ETC of such<br />

employment by sending an engagement form. This is a legal document and enables ETC to<br />

keep track of declared employment. Similarly, when an employer terminates employment of a<br />

person, a termination form is to be sent to ETC. A computerised database of persons who<br />

are in employment is thus maintained up to date. Persons not featuring in such database are<br />

not considered to be in legal employment. These notifications can be done by employers<br />

electronically in order to facilitate matters.<br />

On-site inspections are carried out to identify any infringements and employers found acting<br />

illegally are brought to Court. In 2007, a total of 878 persons were found to be working<br />

illegally and criminal proceedings have been initiated against the employers.<br />

Undeclared work is also fought through compulsory Active Labour Market Policies (ALMP)<br />

measures for the registered unemployed. Failure to participate in these ALMP’s will result in<br />

removal from the unemployment register. As a result of this, almost 2,400 persons were<br />

removed from the register in 2007. Moreover, an increased number of persons were<br />

removed from the unemployment register as they were found working and registering – they<br />

must work consecutively for 6 months to obtain the right to register for unemployment benefits<br />

again.<br />

Undeclared work is also being addressed through:<br />

• closer collaboration with the Police in conducting inspections especially when illegal<br />

employment is expected to involve foreigners;<br />

• turning undeclared work into regular employment following on-site inspections by<br />

allowing employers to regularise the employment position of the persons found working<br />

illegally and paying a fine;<br />

• sharing of information with other government entities – Department of Social Security,<br />

Police, VAT Department, Tax Compliance Unit;<br />

• employers found breaching employment legislation are not having their application for<br />

work permits for foreigners approved; and<br />

• publicity measures to promote rights and responsibilities.<br />

Government intends to intensify the response against undeclared work by intensifying its<br />

current efforts by increasing the resource capacity as well increasing collaboration between<br />

the various entities in order to curtail the defaulting workers. Moreover, it is also being<br />

proposed that legislation is amended or introduced whereby higher fines are imposed on<br />

these defaulters. In addition publicity and information campaigns with the aim of promoting<br />

the benefits of legal employment are also being planned.<br />

<strong>Malta</strong> <strong>National</strong> Reform Programme <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2010</strong> - 37 -

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