Eric lippert - Amazon Web Services

Eric lippert - Amazon Web Services

Eric lippert - Amazon Web Services


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whose timeline we’ll search for images<br />

- A Submit button to post the screen name to the server<br />

- A series of divs that will be laid out dynamically with the help<br />

of CSS.<br />

<br />

<br />

The markup to achieve this is quite simple and shown below:<br />

<br />

<br />

@using (Html.BeginForm(“Index”, “Home”, FormMethod.<br />

Post))<br />

{<br />

Get Recent Tweets by<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

}<br />

<br />

@foreach (var item in Model)<br />

{<br />

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.MediaUrl))<br />

{<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

}<br />

}<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The Controller and Hooking up with Twitter<br />

To keep the example simple, we will cut some corners here and<br />

instead of splitting our implementation up into the standard<br />

multiple layers, we’ll build a ‘fat controller’ instead.<br />

Step 8: Add a new Empty MVC Controller called HomeController<br />

OAuth Recap<br />

b. LinqToTwitter will check the SessionStateCredential store to<br />

see if it has a valid credential. If not, it will automatically redirect<br />

the user to Twitter’s website for Authentication. Once the user has<br />

authenticated and provided permissions for our App to access<br />

their Twitter account, we’ll get re-directed back to our application<br />

(all this is handled transparently by LinqToTwitter).<br />

c. We have not built ANY backend to store Twitter’s<br />

Authentication Token or the user’s id, so every time our session<br />

expires, we’ll have to Authenticate with Twitter again. This is just<br />

to keep things simple, in a real world application you should store<br />

the Authentication Token and reuse it till it gets revoked.<br />

The Controller Implementation<br />

The sole job for the Controller in our app is to return a list of<br />

TweetViewModel objects that is then used to render the View.<br />

Step 9: We start the Controller implementation by declaring the<br />

following fields<br />

private IOAuthCredentials credentials = new<br />

SessionStateCredentials();<br />

private MvcAuthorizer auth;<br />

private TwitterContext twitterCtx;<br />

All three types (or Interfaces) are defined in the LinqToTwitter<br />

namespace. The first one is a SessionStateCredentials() instance<br />

is the container for the Twitter provided authentication token. It’s<br />

valid once user has approved our app to connect to Twitter.<br />

The MvcAuthorizer takes care of the checking if the credentials<br />

from above are valid and if not, redirects to Twitter, intercepts the<br />

login success and stores the credentials in the Session.<br />

TwitterContext is like a DB Context, as in it’s the library used for<br />

querying Twitter just as if it were a database.<br />

Before we get into the Controller implementation, a quick recap of<br />

how we’ll use LinqToTwitter:<br />

a. LinqToTwitter will require a ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret<br />

for our application. We have to get this from http://dev.twitter.com<br />

. You can refer to our previous editions to see how we can create<br />

an application for ourselves on Twitter. Once you have the keys,<br />

add them to the appSetting section in the web.config as follows:<br />

Step 10: With the field initialization done, we are ready to get<br />

data from Twitter and send it to the Index View. Core of the code is<br />

in the GetTweets method.<br />

private ActionResult GetTweets(string screenName)<br />

{<br />

if (credentials.ConsumerKey == null || credentials.<br />

ConsumerSecret == null)<br />

{<br />

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