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Things to note – Caveats, ifs and buts<br />

Well, that neatly sums up this example where we highlighted<br />

one way to leverage capabilities of CSS media queries. We only<br />

used the device width feature, but there are 11 other features<br />

for us to explore if we need them. Idea was to introduce you to<br />

them so that you can utilize them when the need arises.<br />

Key takeaways<br />

1. We have NO JavaScript references in our project whatsoever.<br />

2. CSS Media Queries are well supported in IE9+, Firefox 3.5+<br />

and most versions of Chrome. This app was built using IE10 and<br />

verified on Firefox 20.0.1 on Windows 8.<br />

3. We did not investigate any techniques to adapt to different<br />

image sizes based on form factor so this implementation has a<br />

disadvantage where it’s pulling the same amount of data on all<br />

screens which might be a problem for high latency networks like<br />

some mobile broadband. This can however be mitigated with<br />

some help from the Image source. Twitter supports multiple<br />

image sizes and we could use that to fetch different ‘versions’ of<br />

the same image.<br />

4. Older browser support: This is a thorny issue and often we<br />

simply cannot leave behind folks that are behind on the<br />

adoption curve. In such cases, there are JavaScript shims<br />

available. One of the popular ones is Respond.js. You can check it<br />

out at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/respondjs/<br />

5. The code for Twitter Authentication is not vetted from a<br />

security air-tightness point of view. So for a more ‘secure’ way,<br />

use ASP.NET’s Twitter Authentication using DotNetOpenAuth and<br />

then use LinqToTwitter to query if you want.<br />

Conclusion<br />

Responsive UI design for the web has got a huge boost with CSS<br />

Media Queries Level 3. This article is aimed to serve as a primer<br />

to Media queries. Feel free to explore various features that are<br />

available and adapt them to serve up the best possible Views for<br />

the maximum percentage of your users<br />

The source code can be downloaded from our<br />

GitHub repository at bit.ly/dncm6-cssmq<br />

Suprotim Agarwal, ASP.NET Architecture MVP,<br />

is an author and the founder of popular .NET<br />

websites like dotnetcurry.com, devcurry.com<br />

and the DNC Magazine. You can follow him on<br />

twitter @suprotimagarwal<br />

56 | DNCmagazine www.dotnetcurry.com

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