English, Nepali and Urdu

English, Nepali and Urdu

English, Nepali and Urdu

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Chinese customs<br />

lrlgof“ k|yfx<br />

Traditionally, Chinese consider the colour red<br />

as a lucky colour<br />

k/Dk/fut, lrlgof“xn] /ftf] /¨nfO{ ;f}efUozfnL<br />

/¨ dfG5g<br />

Traditionally, the colour white is used in<br />

funerals or considered inauspicious<br />

k/Dk/fut, ;]tf] /¨x cGTo]li6df Jojxf/ u5{g<br />

clg o;nfO{ cz'e 7fG5g\<br />

4 䦉<br />

四<br />

死<br />

Some Chinese avoid the taboo number “four”<br />

because it phonetically sounds like “death”<br />

sf]lx lrlgofx] lglif4 c+s ærf/Æ af6 6f9≥f Af:5g\ lsgls<br />

;'Gbfv]l/ d/0f jf d[To' h:tf] ;'lgG5<br />

Chinese hardly buy a green hat for male married friend. It<br />

has the same meaning that his wife commits adultery<br />

lrlgof“x¿n] cfÏgf] ljjflxt k'if ldqnfO{ xl/of] 6f]kL -x\of6_ pkxf/<br />

lb“b}Gfg\ lsgls o;sf] cy{ p;sf] ldqsf] wd{kTgLn] k/k'if udg u/]<br />

sf] s'/f x'G5<br />


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