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SIT training provides people and communities with tools<br />

that can be used for more sophisticated understanding of<br />

place and location. SIT products, especially maps, can be<br />

used to alert people to situations and opportunities and<br />

can help them to work together and find common ground<br />

through their connectedness.<br />

In the Trinity County, California case, SIT tools have<br />

produced a number of changes. Community mapping has<br />

led to increased opportunities for public involvement, for<br />

utilizing specialized local knowledge, and for addressing<br />

local concerns. SIT training has produced more<br />

sophisticated understanding and participation from the<br />

general public in collaborative natural resource project<br />

planning. This is particularly true in the Fire-Safe program's<br />

use of participatory mapping. Communities began to<br />

understand common locations and problems and currently<br />

available resources. SIT capacity in some cases has allowed<br />

Trinity County to compete for and capture scarce resources;<br />

for example, a number of SIT-based fire management<br />

planning proposals, e.g., for fuels reduction, have received<br />

federal funding and have been implemented on the<br />

ground.<br />

Property institutions in the U.S. are fairly static. In<br />

California, the only places where SIT might produce<br />

changes in legal status are in the case of the mapping of<br />

ancestral territories with the Nor-Rel-Muk Nation, which is<br />

seeking federal recognition as a tribe, and the case of the<br />

Trinity River water allocations disputes which will probably<br />

continue for many years. SIT was also used in the case of a<br />

pesticide spraying violation that led to a settlement rather<br />

than a court decision and some funding for the<br />

development and implementation of a county water quality<br />

monitoring plan. SIT in California generally does not cause<br />

boundary disputes because of the reasonably settled nature<br />

of property law but can clarify land use issues, make for<br />

more sophisticated discussions, and facilitate finding<br />

common ground.<br />

In terms of economic development, the Trinity area is<br />

severely depressed. SIT has provided some help in this area,<br />

facilitating project planning and proposal development.<br />

Especially in the case of the fire-safe program, the use of SIT<br />

has helped to identify problem areas and develop project<br />

proposals for firebreaks and fuels reductions, leading to<br />

funding and the implementation of projects. Training the<br />

work force and developing SIT capacity has also made it<br />

possible for the RCD and the WRTC to bid successfully for<br />

work in natural resource planning, inventories, development,<br />

rehabilitation, and monitoring.<br />

The California case has shown that the community capacitybuilding<br />

model of technology diffusion does work to build<br />

capacity and empower the public. TC GIS is unable to say<br />

that it does so better than the consultant model, but the<br />

approach used has resulted in a decentralization of SIT<br />

capacity in the county and did not create dependence upon<br />

one commercial source for SIT. Advances in computer<br />

hardware have made it possible to house SIT capacity on<br />

consumer PCs (personal computers). There are also more<br />

types of increasingly sophisticated mapping software, which<br />

tends to lower some financial and technical barriers to SIT<br />

development. A centralized expert model could have been<br />

too expensive to achieve similar social capacity building<br />

results: for instance, a business might not have been able to<br />

provide the same level of skills at low cost or on a volunteer<br />

basis to the Trinity County Fire-Safe Council. Centralization<br />

probably would not have produced the same levels of<br />

community access, involvement, and utilization.<br />

TC GIS has been a model of collaboration and cooperation<br />

on several levels. The Trinity County community already had<br />

good capacity for cooperation and collaboration (e.g., TBRG)<br />

and was able to find and develop SIT when it became more<br />

widely available. The above average to enthusiastic<br />

assessment of TC GIS' role in SIT dissemination from those<br />

who chose to respond to the survey is one measure of local<br />

residents' appreciation. Those who now use SIT in Trinity<br />

County represent a wide range of people from local<br />


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