Advanced Abstract Algebra - Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak

Advanced Abstract Algebra - Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak

Advanced Abstract Algebra - Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak


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rt + M = (r+M) (t+M) ∈ A* (because A* is an ideal of R/M) .<br />

rt ∈ A.<br />

R being commutative tr also belongs to A.<br />

Hence A is an ideal of R.<br />

If a ∈ M, then<br />

a+M = M ∈ R/M<br />

(since M is the zero element of R/M)<br />

a+M ∈ A* (since (1+M) (a+m) ∈ A* ,<br />

a ∈ A A* being ideal of R/M)<br />

Therefore<br />

M ⊂ A ⊂ R .<br />

Let us suppose that A* ≠ {0} then there exists an element r+M of A* such that<br />

r +M ≠ M<br />

But r+M ∈ A* r ∈ A ,<br />

r+M ≠ M r ∉ M A ≠ M.<br />

Thus we have proved that if A* ≠ {0}, then<br />

M ⊂ A ⊂ R<br />

Since M is maximal therefore, A = R. If r ∈ R then r ∈ A which implies that r +M ∈ A*. It follows<br />

therefore, that A* = R/M.<br />

We have proved therefore, that R/M has only two ideals {0} and R/M and hence R/M is a field.<br />

Conversely, let R/M is a field. Then R/M has only two ideals {0} and R/M itself. Hence<br />

A* = {0}<br />

or<br />

A* = R/M.<br />

If A* = {0} then A* = M<br />

Therefore,<br />

A = {r | r +M ∈ A*}<br />

= {r | r+M = M}<br />

= {r | r ∈ M}<br />

= M<br />

If A* = R/M then<br />

A = {r | r +M ∈ R/M}<br />

(Θ M is zero element of R/M)<br />

= {r | r ∈ M}<br />

= R .<br />

Therefore, R has only two ideals M and R. Hence M is a maximal ideal.<br />

Imbedding of a ring and an integral domain.<br />

Definition. If a ring R is isomorphic to a subring T of a ring S then R is called imbedded in S. The ring<br />

S is called extension or over ring of R.<br />

Theorem. Every ring R can be imbedded in a ring S with unit element.<br />

Proof. Let S be a set defined by<br />

S = Z × R = {(m,a) | m ∈ Z, a ∈ R}.

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