DOC request three complete - Cannabis Defense Coalition

DOC request three complete - Cannabis Defense Coalition

DOC request three complete - Cannabis Defense Coalition


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.. A i ug.13. 2008 12:35PM<br />

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Sc'ott L. Havsy, DO, DAAPM<br />

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• ........,. DEPARTMENT O~ CORRECTIONS<br />

Medicinal Use of MarijuanaVerification<br />


No. 5731 P. 1<br />

Dear Prescriber, .<br />

By state statute the Washington State Department of.CorrectiQns is charged with the responsibility to supervise some<br />

offenders after they ~ave been convicted ora felony. The above named patient is currently unde~ supervision by the<br />

Department. S'upervision is designed tei help the offender avoid those environments or situations that lead to their criminal<br />

behavior. Often illicit drug use is a contributing factor in an individual's criminality. Accordingly it's usual that the.court or<br />

the Department of Corrections will impose a condition of supervision ·that the offender not use, or possess illicit drugs,<br />

including marijuana, This offender has claimed that they have a condition for which the medicinal use of marijuana has<br />

been prescribed:The below verification is to determine the legitimacy of their claim. Thank you in adva,nce for your .<br />

assistance, If you have questions please feel free to personallycontaci the Medical Director of tbe Department at (360)<br />

725-8700.' . . . .<br />

1. I.s this patient unQer y.our care ~ DNo<br />

2. Ale you prescribing medical marijuaha for his, patient due to a diagnosis of Acquired-<br />

Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)' .<br />

3.<br />

a. If the answer te question 2 is ·Yes·, does he/she ha,ve anorexia<br />

b. If the answer to question 2a is ·Yes H , d,oes he/she have weight"loss .<br />

Are you prescribirig medical marijuana for' this patient.due to nausea and vomiting Clssociat!'!c<br />

. wit~ cancer chemotherapy<br />

"<br />

a. If the answer te question 315 "Yes', has the patient faileqto respond. to canventional<br />

a:ntiemetic treatments'. . .<br />

DYes<br />

DYes<br />

·DYes<br />

0 Yes<br />

DYes<br />

. b. If the answer to question 3a is "Yes·, please describe what these treatments were (medication, dbse,<br />

dura~on): . .<br />

--rrNo<br />

DNo<br />

DNa<br />

c. What isthe planned schedule of chemotherapy<br />

4, V"hUe on community supervision ("parole") the Department' of Correctiens only authorizes the<br />

use of the oral synthetic formulation of marijuana. If the Deprtment authorizes this pati~nt's 0 Yes -EtrTo<br />

use .of medical marijuana, will you be prescribing .only the .oral synthetiC formulaticn<br />

5: . The patient's accompanying Release of hiformation' autharizes yeu ta previde the' ;J, ~.<br />

Department with current a"nd future inforr:nation related to this issue. Do yell agree te notify OY~ _. 0 No.<br />

the Department's Medic1 Director .of any changes in you;:,r~. ~w::.:e::!.ts~ab~O~V~e~ _______ ----,;-(t.!...-___ --,-___ _<br />

'ticense#: , vf1»()()~<br />

Prescriber's Address it],<br />

Licep.se type:<br />

·w /ft:# jL U4 C Phone Number '$) r& 3 ~ $ 3

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