DOC request three complete - Cannabis Defense Coalition

DOC request three complete - Cannabis Defense Coalition

DOC request three complete - Cannabis Defense Coalition


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5j(B L C W~SEM5 . . ;<br />

cm:~EVANS, TRISTA R.<br />

324594 11/04/1974<br />

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518087679<br />


. FEB 09 2009 .<br />

......, DePARTMSNl OF COFtlttCTIONS<br />

MedicInal Use of Marijuana Verification<br />

Depl"ofc .<br />

OlT~ctions HI"<br />

ea til ,:,ervices<br />

To be filled out by Prescrlbet:<br />

Dear Prescriber,· .<br />

By staw statute the Washington State Department of Corrections Is charged with the responsibility to sup~~ise sOn)e<br />

offendel'S after they have been convicted of a felony. The above named patIent is currently under supervtslon by the<br />

Departroent. SupervIsion Is designed to help the offender ~void those environments or situations that lead to their criminal<br />

behavior. Often illicit dl'Ug use is a contributing factor in an individual's crIminallty_ Accordingly it's usual that the court: or<br />

th~ Department of Cotractions will Impose a condition of supervision that the offender not use, or possess ilUcitdrlJgs,<br />

Including marijuana. This offender has claimed that they have a condition for which the medicinal use of marijuana has<br />

been recommended_ The belOw. verlfication is to determine the legitimacy of their clclim. Thank you in advance for your<br />

assistance. If you have questions please feel free to perSOnally contact the Medical.Director of the Department at (360)<br />

725--8700. . . . /<br />

1. Is tl)is patient under your care . rz(yes 0 No<br />

2- Are you recommending medical marijuana for his patient due to a diagnosis of Acquired<br />

Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) DYes ~o<br />

a. If the answer to question 2 is 'Yes', does he/she have anorexia OYe.s oNo<br />

b. If the answer to question 28 is "Yes", ~oes he/she have weight loss7 OVes ONo<br />

3. Are you recommending medica! marijuana for this patient due to nausea and ~omiting<br />

associated with cancer chemotherapy Dyes ~.<br />

a. If the answer to question 3 is "Yes", has the patientfalied to respond to conventional<br />

antiemetic treatments DYes ONo<br />

b_<br />

If the answer to question 3a is "Yes', please descrlbe what thOl;lB treatments were (madication. dose,<br />

duration): '.<br />

c. . What is the planned schedule of che~othe.-apy<br />

4. . If you answered "No· to Items 2. & 3 above, what is the reason you are r.ecornmending medicinal use of<br />

iilarijuana<br />

a. Please provide evidence published in a peer-reviewed sCientific publication to SlJpport the .medicinal use of<br />

marijuana for this purpose<br />

5.<br />

VYhile on community supervislOn(;Parole") the Department of Corr~tions on1y-iUffiOi1zes trie ~yLe-s-"-. -':--O-N-O---<br />

use of the ~r'. synt~~tfc:.f!~ul.~~90 .. ~ ~a~JJuana. If the Department authorizes this patient's arYes.<br />

use of medIcal marijuana, wUr you be prescribing only the oral synthetio formulation<br />

e. The patient's accompanying Release of InformatIon authorizes you to provide the<br />

Department with current an~ future Information related to ttl1S Issue. Dei you agree to notify<br />

the Oepartment's Medical Director of any changes in your answers above<br />

oNo<br />

<strong>DOC</strong> 1+053 (Rev. 7/31/08)<br />

D00380.200<br />

PDU-6655-3 000238

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