DOC request three complete - Cannabis Defense Coalition

DOC request three complete - Cannabis Defense Coalition

DOC request three complete - Cannabis Defense Coalition


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·Dec.23. 2008 5: 07PM CBR Medical Inc. No. 2825 P. 5/33<br />

Document"ation of Medical Authorization to Possess Marijuana<br />

for Medical Purposes in Washington state<br />

PATIENT NAME: __ _ DATE OF BIRT!-I: _982 .<br />

I, Antoine John§..9.!L. I am a physici·an licensed in the State ofWashingtbn<br />

and I am treating the above patient for a tenninal iII!'1~:or a debilitating condltio'n as defined by<br />

RCW 69~51A.010_ " • ,!<br />

I have advised the above named patient abq~l(the pot¢ntial risks and benefits of the medical use<br />

of marijuana. ! have assessed the above named pati\int's medical history and medical Gondition_<br />

It is my medical opinion that the potemiii\r"benefits of.jhe medical use of marijuana may outweigh<br />

the health risks for this patient. ,:/ . ..:/ . .<br />

Physician Name: _----'D::.;r"-.-~A.:..::nt:.;;o.;:.;in'El~,J=oh=n.:..:;s.;:;.on:.!.__ _'__WA License NUrriber:. ___ M_D_O_OO_3_9_0_48-<br />

Date: __..:..1.:.:.1/.::..:02!=2::.:0::.::0~8___<br />

..<br />

Risks al7d benefits of medical marijuana /<br />

Under Washington law, the use of edi¢al marijuana Is' now permissible 'for some patients<br />

with terminal or·debilitating illn~sses_jTh~/law regulating this (RCW a9.51A) allows physicians'<br />

to advise patients about the risks an9 be(iefits of the medical Lise of marijuana_<br />

The medIcal and scientific evide~[;e ;;'upporting the use of medical marijuana remains<br />

controversial in the medical commupity/ Not an health care providers believe that medical<br />

marijuana is safe or effective and s9m~ providers feel that it is a dangerous drug_ .<br />

According to the Washington St*tgl8W the benefits of medical marijuana may include<br />

treating nausea and vomiting from ~emotherapYI AIDS wasting syndrome, severe muscle<br />

spasms frqm multiple sclerosis or o'-Lher spasticity disorders, glaucoma, and some types of<br />

intractable pain. . .<br />

Some of the risks .of medical marijuana may include possible long-term eIfects of the brain in<br />

the areas of memory, coordination and cognition; impairm(mt of the ability to drive or operate<br />

heavy machinery; respiratory damage: possible lung cancer; and physical or psychological<br />

dependence.<br />

Recommendation<br />

As this patient's "60 Day Supply", as stipulated by RCW 69_51A.040 (3)(b) and<br />

WAC 246-/5-010, this Qualifying Patient can reasonably expect to have in 1heir Posession and<br />

-------'I'iJ~efd-ailjtalof·J1bliTore-tharr2"4-e)tmces-of"l:I·seable-Marijrrarrct'-cmd-no-rnore-than-1-5-Plants:-. -------<br />

CBR Medical, Inc.<br />

Administrative Office<br />

3115 E_ Mission Ave, Spokane, WA 99202<br />

Spokane: 509"242-8624 Fax:509-340-2710<br />

Seattle: 206-774--6493 Fax: 206--118-66Q9 .<br />


CALL 509-570-2886 OR 509-570-6943<br />

PDU-6655-3 000191

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