DOC request three complete - Cannabis Defense Coalition

DOC request three complete - Cannabis Defense Coalition

DOC request three complete - Cannabis Defense Coalition


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Mar.26, 2009<br />

Mrs. Karen Daniels,<br />

My name<br />

I am writing this appeal in response to the letter I received on<br />

March 24, 2009, which denies my use of Medicinal Marijuana as treatment for my existing medical<br />

conditions. The letter also fails to explain the reason for their findings to which I believe I des~rve an<br />

explariation because I cannot think of any legitimate reason. The letter states that I can appeal this<br />

decision onor before Feb'ruary 2, '2009,'but I only received a copy of it at a hearing on the i4 th of March.<br />

The address, I notice, is incorrect, therefore the probable reason. In addition, my supervising officer<br />

never informed me of the decision. In the distribution list, they Were appare<br />

way to furnish me a copy of the decision based on my appeal is via email at<br />

sent a copy. The best<br />

In reference to current law (RCW 69.51A.)' the use of prescribed Medicinal Marijuana is lawful in the<br />

State of Washington to treat my present medical condition. The current medications I have been<br />

prescribed are Propoxyph.ene65MG, OXycodone 325MG, Prylosec, and Naproxen 500MG by my<br />

attending physician.<br />

My physican previously prescribed the medicinal marijua.ria as an alternative to<br />

avoid the side effects of continual use of the aforementioned drugs and narcotics, stating that the<br />

benefits are likely to outweigh the health risks often associated with continual drug ingestion. One side<br />

effects I am currently experiencing is indigestion and heartburn (treated by the prylosec) because the<br />

lining of my stomach is th!nning. I am also drowsy and have intermittent dizziness. I have no prior<br />

occurrences of these symptoms in my medical history. I had no prior knowledge that this was even .an<br />

alternative to all the. medications I am taking. Upon a visit to the physician, she asked if I would consider<br />

this y~eatment, discussed the benefits and risks and thus I agreed to her treatment plan. If my phYSician,<br />

a medical professional, recommends and prescribes this treatment plan, coupled with it being within<br />

the limits of the laws of this state; why am I being denied what is beneficial to my overall"health and well<br />

being I fail to understand this. Yes, I am currently in community custody, but that does not single me<br />

out as a person that shoul.d not take advantage of the best medical treatment that can be provided to<br />

meet a legitimate need .. Having committed a felony offense does not automatically dismiss me from<br />

the category of h.uman being, yet I sense there is an attempt to prohibit me from acquiring some sense<br />

of quality of life in the midst of already trying circumstances: This is not a game, but a serious quest for<br />

. some equality under the law. In the form, <strong>DOC</strong> 14-053, Medicinal Use of Marijuana Verification, the first<br />

paragraph states, "Supervision is designed to help the offenqer avoid those environments or situations<br />

that lead to their criminal behavior." My "criminal behavior" was not influenced by the use of marijuana<br />

or any otl'ier drug, fl'iey are totatlyunrel-ateetil'ierefm-;liOfe2fso-naoleexpll3ifatic:rrrSUPlfOl'ts-l"i"l1kin-g<br />

"illicit" drug use as a contributing. factor in my past criminal behavior. Anger and lack of control fueled<br />

that situation, nothing else. I was sentenced in accordance with the law, served my time in prison, and<br />

am doing the best I can to <strong>complete</strong> the remaining requirements under superVision. More than tension<br />

currently exists between my supervising officer and I for reasons I canno~ fathom. Perhaps they have<br />

influenced the decision by their recommendations (if applicable) as another way to hinder my progress<br />

versus assist me. I am only assuming, based on' our relationship, but truly believe there is some merit in<br />

PDU-6655-3 000307

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