broshure ouh

broshure ouh

broshure ouh


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Time saver<br />

All the energy spent on repeating again and again<br />

the same information, now can be spent on other<br />

important, life saving activities, since Mily can<br />

answer any question.<br />

And since Mily can answer any question, no more<br />

waist of time on countless unnecessary visitations<br />

and calls from parents.<br />

Appointments will be a click away. Visitations will<br />

take shorter length of time, since all the info. about<br />

baby can be accessed by the doctor before the<br />

arriving of the parents.<br />

money saver<br />

All the money spent on old-fashioned brochures,<br />

that no one reads, now can be saved, since Mily<br />

offers more moderns and fun way to learn to be a<br />

parent.<br />

No more waist of money on preparations of<br />

educational groups, since Mily can teach parents in<br />

their own home.<br />

No need of large amount of staff in order to<br />

maintain high service level since Mily requires only<br />

one or few operators to manage the communication<br />

through network<br />

Place saver<br />

Hospital at home. No need for big hospitals<br />

anymore since patients can be reached and<br />

observed from their desired place, like home.

,,MILY to the rescue”<br />

best choice<br />

Because Mily helps to provide each and every<br />

parent with the high service level and 24h<br />

assistance in their own home, regardless the<br />

number of staff in the hospital or time they have.<br />

Important features<br />

- Contains all the knowledge of hospital and<br />

books in audio, video and written format<br />

- Quick video tutorials for baby care<br />

- Fast, easy and convenient communication with<br />

hospitals staff from anywhere<br />

- Appointments scheduled by one simple click<br />

- Forum to interact with other recent moms<br />

- Stores all the data of child and shares with<br />

hospitals database<br />

- Provides post birth body care info. for women<br />

- Reminds and alarms when needed about<br />

important appointments or activities<br />

- Suggests approved by hospital child care<br />

products<br />

- Provides with problems solutions without the<br />

need to call doctor every-time<br />

- Comes with additional equipment (thermometer,<br />

weight scales, blood pressure machine, web<br />

cam) that would be used in the hospital to gain<br />

necessary data about the health.<br />

Final word<br />

Mily is created to solve hospitals problems, and it<br />

has unlimited possibilities for improvements. You<br />

name it, we will make it, to keep your patients<br />

healthy and happy and your hospital successfully<br />

operating.<br />

Great interior accessorie<br />

This shoowcase Mily is designed in nice,<br />

waterproof patern, which is both - nice<br />

to handle and nice to look at. It is a<br />

way to make the things that make<br />

your life easier, also make your<br />

home cosier. Many different<br />

patterns could be available.<br />

Creative moms could their own in<br />

order to unleash their artist<br />

inside.<br />

Sincerely<br />


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