2012 Annual Report - Domino's Pizza

2012 Annual Report - Domino's Pizza

2012 Annual Report - Domino's Pizza


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Board Committees<br />

The Board has established a number of<br />

committees to assist in the execution of its<br />

responsibilities. The following committees<br />

were in place at the date of this report:<br />

• Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and<br />

• Audit Committee.<br />

Details of these committees are discussed below.<br />



The Board has established the Nomination<br />

and Remuneration Committee, which<br />

comprises the entire Board.<br />

The principal responsibilities<br />

of the Committee are:<br />

• advising the Board on directorship<br />

appointments, with particular attention to the<br />

mix of skills, experience and independence;<br />

• ensuring fulfilment of the Board’s<br />

policies on Board composition;<br />

• developing Board succession plans;<br />

• reviewing and making recommendations on<br />

the appropriate compensation of directors;<br />

• ensuring that equity-based executive<br />

compensation is paid in accordance<br />

with thresholds set in plans<br />

approved by shareholders; and<br />

• ensuring disclosure of the information required<br />

in each <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> of the Company.<br />

The Company’s compensation policy links the<br />

nature and amount of executive directors’ and<br />

key management personnel’s emoluments to the<br />

Company’s financial and operational performance.<br />

Further details of the Nomination and<br />

Remuneration Committee are included in the<br />

Remuneration <strong>Report</strong> on pages 14 to 21.<br />

Membership of and attendance at the<br />

<strong>2012</strong> Committee meetings are detailed<br />

in the Directors’ <strong>Report</strong> on page 13.<br />


DPE Limited has a Board convened<br />

Audit Committee which:<br />

• is comprised entirely of non-executive<br />

directors of DPE Limited;<br />

• has a majority of independent directors; and<br />

• has a Chairman, who is not Chairman<br />

of the Board of DPE Limited.<br />

Committee Charter<br />

The Committee has a Charter to govern its<br />

operations. The Charter is reviewed every two<br />

years, and, if appropriate, updated by the Board<br />

on recommendation from the Audit Committee.<br />

Membership of the Committee<br />

Committee members are appointed by the Board.<br />

Under the Committee’s Charter, members will<br />

have a range of diverse and yet complementary<br />

skills and will be financially literate.<br />

Purpose of the Committee<br />

The role of the Audit Committee is to assist<br />

the Board in discharging its obligations with<br />

respect to ensuring:<br />

• accurate and reliable financial information<br />

prepared for use by the Board; and<br />

• the integrity of the Company’s internal controls<br />

affecting the preparation and provision of that<br />

financial information in determining policies or<br />

for inclusion in the financial statements.<br />

In carrying out these functions, the Committee<br />

maintains unobstructed lines of communication<br />

between the Committee, the internal auditors, the<br />

external auditors, and DPE Limited’s management.<br />

Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee<br />

The Committee advises the Board on all<br />

aspects of internal and external audit, the<br />

adequacy of accounting and risk management<br />

procedures, systems, control and financial<br />

reporting. Specific responsibilities include:<br />

• recommending to the Board the appointment,<br />

re-appointment and removal of external auditors;<br />

• monitoring the independence of the<br />

external auditors;<br />

• recommending and supervising the<br />

engagement of the external auditors and<br />

monitoring auditor performance;<br />

• reviewing the effectiveness of management<br />

information and other systems of internal control;<br />

• reviewing all areas of significant financial risk<br />

and arrangements in place to contain those to<br />

acceptable levels;<br />

• reviewing significant transactions that are not<br />

a normal part of the Company’s business;<br />

• monitoring the internal controls and<br />

accounting compliance with the Corporations<br />

Act 2001, ASX Listing Rules, reviewing<br />

external audit reports and ensuring prompt<br />

remedial action; and<br />

• reviewing the Company’s full year ASX<br />

Appendix 4E, <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> and half-year<br />

Appendix 4D, prior to submission to the Board.<br />

Rotation of the External Audit<br />

Engagement Partners<br />

The Corporations Act 2001 has introduced<br />

a five year rotation requirement for audit<br />

partners. DPE Limited’s external auditor,<br />

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu has an internal policy<br />

which is consistent with this requirement.<br />

Independence of the external auditors<br />

The Committee will consider annually any<br />

non-audit services provided by the external<br />

auditors to determine whether the provision<br />

of those non-audit services is compatible<br />

with the independence of the external<br />

auditors. Policies are in place to restrict<br />

the type of non-audit services which can<br />

be provided by the external auditors.<br />

Internal audit<br />

Ernst & Young has been engaged to undertake<br />

an independent and objective internal audit<br />

review function charged with evaluating,<br />

testing and reporting on the adequacy and<br />

effectiveness of management’s control of<br />

operational risk. The internal auditors will<br />

provide regular reports to the Audit Committee.<br />

Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial<br />

Officer sign-off to the Board in respect<br />

of DPE Limited’s financial statements<br />

The sign-off required from the Chief Executive<br />

Officer (“CEO”) and Chief Financial Officer<br />

(“CFO”) that DPE Limited’s financial statements<br />

present a true and fair view, in all material<br />

respects, of DPE Limited’s financial condition<br />

and operational results in accordance with the<br />

relevant Accounting Standards, is contained<br />

within the representations required as part of<br />

Recommendation 7.2 of the ASX Principles.<br />

The experience and qualifications of<br />

members of the Audit Committee are set out<br />

in Corporate Directory section of the <strong>Annual</strong><br />

<strong>Report</strong>. Membership of and attendance<br />

at <strong>2012</strong> Committee meetings are detailed<br />

in the Directors’ <strong>Report</strong> on page 13.<br />



The Board has a formal Directors’ Code of<br />

Conduct which sets the standards to which<br />

each director, the Company Secretary<br />

and all executives will adhere whilst<br />

conducting their duties. The Code requires<br />

a director, amongst other things, to:<br />

• act honestly, in good faith and in the best<br />

interests of the Company as a whole;<br />

• perform the functions of office and exercise<br />

the powers attached to that office with a<br />

degree of care and diligence that a reasonable<br />

person would exercise if they were a<br />

director in the same circumstances; and<br />

• consider matters before the Board having<br />

regard to any possible personal interests,<br />

the amount of information appropriate to<br />

properly consider the subject matter and<br />

what is in the best interests of the Company.<br />

All directors and officers of the Company must,<br />

as far as possible, act with the utmost integrity<br />

and objectivity, striving at all times to enhance<br />

the reputation and performance of the Company,<br />

and where possible, to act in accordance with<br />

the interests of the shareholders, staff, clients<br />

and all other stakeholders in the Company.<br />

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