2012 Annual Report - Domino's Pizza

2012 Annual Report - Domino's Pizza

2012 Annual Report - Domino's Pizza


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The Company has adopted a policy that imposes<br />

certain restrictions on officers, employees<br />

and franchisees trading in the securities of the<br />

Company. The restrictions have been imposed to<br />

prevent inadvertent contraventions of the insider<br />

trading provisions of the Corporations Act 2001.<br />

The key aspects of the policy are:<br />

• trading whilst in the possession of material<br />

price-sensitive information is prohibited;<br />

• trading is permitted without approval in the<br />

three week period after the release to the<br />

ASX of the half-yearly and annual results, the<br />

end of the AGM or at any time the Company<br />

has a prospectus open, but only if they have<br />

no inside information and the trading is not<br />

for short-term or speculative gain; and<br />

• trading in other circumstances is only<br />

permitted if the person is personally<br />

satisfied that they are not in possession of<br />

inside information and they have obtained<br />

approval. Permission will be given for<br />

such trading only if the approving person<br />

is satisfied that the transaction would not<br />

be contrary to law, for speculative gain or<br />

to take advantage of inside information.<br />

DPE Limited’s price-sensitive information<br />

is information which a reasonable person<br />

would expect to have a material effect on the<br />

price or value of DPE Limited’s securities.<br />


The Company has adopted a<br />

Continuous Disclosure policy so as to<br />

comply with its continuous disclosure<br />

obligations. The policy aims to:<br />

• assess new information and co-ordinate<br />

any disclosure or releases to the ASX,<br />

or any advice required in relation to that<br />

information, in a timely manner;<br />

• provide an audit trail of the decisions<br />

regarding disclosure to substantiate<br />

compliance with the Company’s<br />

continuous disclosure obligations; and<br />

• ensure that employees, consultants,<br />

associated entities and advisers of the<br />

Company understand the obligations<br />

to bring material information to the<br />

attention of the Company Secretary.<br />

Accountabilities and responsibilities<br />

For administrative convenience, DPE Limited<br />

has nominated the Company Secretary as the<br />

person responsible for communications with<br />

the ASX. In addition, the Company Secretary<br />

has responsibility for overseeing and coordinating<br />

disclosure of information to the ASX<br />

and communicating with the CEO and CFO<br />

in relation to continuous disclosure matters.<br />

The Company Secretary and Chief Financial<br />

Officer are also responsible for overseeing<br />

and co-ordinating disclosure of information<br />

to the media and to analysts, brokers and<br />

shareholders and communicating with the Board<br />

in relation to continuous disclosure matters.<br />

Disclosure principle<br />

In order to ensure DPE Limited meets<br />

its obligations of timely disclosure<br />

of such information, DPE Limited<br />

adheres to the following practice:<br />

• immediate notification to the ASX of<br />

information concerning DPE Limited that<br />

a reasonable person would expect to have<br />

a material effect on the price or value of<br />

DPE Limited’s securities as prescribed<br />

under Listing Rule 3.1, except where<br />

such information is not required to be<br />

disclosed in accordance with the exception<br />

provisions of the ASX Listing Rules.<br />

External communications<br />

Under this Policy, only those DPE Limited<br />

employees who have been authorised<br />

by the Chairman or CEO can speak on<br />

behalf of the Company to the media,<br />

analysts or investors. DPE Limited will<br />

not disclose price-sensitive information<br />

to any investor or analyst before formally<br />

disclosing the information to the market.<br />

Release of briefing materials/media releases<br />

All draft DPE Limited media releases and<br />

external presentations are reviewed by senior<br />

management to determine if they are subject<br />

to the continuous disclosure requirements.<br />

The purpose of that review is to ensure:<br />

• the factual accuracy of any information;<br />

• there is no material omission<br />

of information; and<br />

• that the information will be<br />

disclosed in a timely manner.<br />

As a result of that review, any written material<br />

containing price-sensitive information to be<br />

used in briefing media, institutional investors<br />

or analysts, must be lodged with the ASX<br />

prior to the brief commencing. As soon as<br />

practicable after confirmation of receipt<br />

by the ASX, the briefing material is posted<br />

to DPE Limited’s corporate website.<br />


The Board aims to ensure that DPE<br />

Limited’s shareholders are informed of<br />

all major developments affecting the<br />

Company’s state of affairs. Information is<br />

communicated to shareholders through:<br />

• The full <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>. All shareholders<br />

have to elect to receive a copy of the full<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>, unless they have elected<br />

not to receive one, and a copy is available,<br />

on request. Current corporations legislation<br />

allows for the default option of receiving<br />

annual reports via the internet. Shareholders<br />

must be given notification of this change<br />

and be given the opportunity to elect to<br />

receive a hard copy of the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.<br />

• Disclosures made to the ASX. DPE Limited<br />

endeavours to post announcements<br />

on its corporate website the same<br />

day they are released to the ASX.<br />

• Notices and Explanatory Memoranda of each<br />

AGM or other meeting of shareholders.<br />

• The AGM. DPE Limited encourages<br />

shareholders to attend DPE Limited’s AGM<br />

to canvass relevant issues of interest. If<br />

shareholders are unable to attend the AGM<br />

personally, they are encouraged to participate<br />

through the appointment of a proxy or proxies.<br />

The corporate website is located at<br />

http://www.dominos.com.au and contains:<br />

• the full financial statements of DPE Limited;<br />

• all media releases made to the ASX<br />

by DPE Limited. Each media release<br />

posted to the website clearly shows the<br />

date it was released to the market;<br />

• a Company profile;<br />

• contact details for DPE Limited’s<br />

head office; and<br />

• copies of corporate governance policies.<br />

This website has a dedicated investor<br />

information section which is intended to facilitate<br />

quick and easy access for shareholders.<br />

Attendance of the external auditor<br />

at the DPE Limited AGM<br />

It is both DPE Limited’s policy and the policy<br />

of the auditor for the lead engagement<br />

partner to be present at the AGM to<br />

answer questions about the conduct of the<br />

audit and the preparation and content of<br />

the Auditors’ <strong>Report</strong>. These policies are<br />

consistent with the Corporations Act 2001.<br />

Shareholders attending the AGM are made<br />

aware they can ask questions of the auditor<br />

concerning the conduct of the audit.<br />

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