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1. De acordo com o texto, o aumento na produção de<br />

resíduos sólidos ocorre, principalmente, devido<br />

a) aos custos.<br />

b) à pobreza.<br />

c) à educação.<br />

d) à infraestrutura.<br />

e) à urbanização.<br />

2. Segundo o texto, o maior impacto do aumento de<br />

custos da gestão de resíduos sólidos será sobre<br />

a) os países em desenvolvimento.<br />

b) a infraestrutura básica das cidades.<br />

c) a sociedade em geral.<br />

d) os serviços públicos que atendem os mais pobres.<br />

e) a população pobre.<br />

3. Segundo o texto, a gestão de resíduos sólidos<br />

a) melhora o transporte e a educação públicos, além do<br />

meio ambiente.<br />

b) transforma o entorno das cidades em um grande<br />

lixão, causando doenças.<br />

c) deve ser implantada nas cidades antes mesmo da<br />

saúde pública.<br />

d) é um dos principais desafios dos prefeitos de cidades<br />

de países em desenvolvimento.<br />

e) é muito dispendiosa em comparação a outros<br />

serviços públicos.<br />

4. No trecho do terceiro parágrafo – this figure will<br />

grow –, a palavra figure refere-se, no texto, a<br />

a) cerca de 1,3 bilhão de toneladas.<br />

b) cerca de 2,2 bilhões de toneladas.<br />

c) 205 bilhões de dólares.<br />

d) 70%.<br />

e) 375 bilhões de dólares.<br />

5. De acordo com o texto, quando há uma boa gestão de<br />

resíduos sólidos,<br />

a) a água dos mananciais fica mais limpa.<br />

b) as oportunidades de trabalho podem se diversificar.<br />

c) os gases que causam o efeito estufa podem diminuir.<br />

d) o clima entra em equilíbrio, com redução de secas e<br />

inundações.<br />

e) o teor de dióxido de carbono na atmosfera tende a<br />

aumentar.<br />

Text 121.<br />

Britain has met the heir who will certainly change the<br />

face of monarchy for ever. Kate and William’s son enters<br />

this world as a Royal Highness, destined to be king of his<br />

country. Though his mother is a Duchess, the title<br />

1<br />

__________ disguise the fact that there has never been a<br />

royal child quite like Kate’s. For while William descends<br />

from a line of monarchs, this baby boy’s maternal<br />

grandparents 5 once worked for British Airways and now<br />

run their own company.<br />

This new prince will become the first British monarch<br />

with working-class blood running through his veins.<br />

Monarchy these days is a precarious business, and<br />

increasingly hard to justify – not only in terms of the<br />

funds taxpayers donate to the Crown, but in a wider<br />

world in which royal families seem ever more<br />

anachronistic. This baby has arrived at a time of<br />

profound social change and evolution – 2 __________ is<br />

why I believe a royal child with middle-class antecedents<br />

can provide the social alchemy that will secure the future<br />

of the House of Windsor.<br />

William and Kate, a modern couple, lived together quite<br />

openly for several years before their marriage, a<br />

6 sensible decision 7 condoned by the Queen, which<br />

4 __________ been seen as unthinkable less than a decade<br />

earlier. This was after prince Charles had moved in with<br />

his divorced former mistress, Camila Parker Bowles, a<br />

situation that would have been equally unacceptable a<br />

few years ago.<br />

All this evidences a rapidly evolving monarchy. Who<br />

would have suspected that the Queen would have been<br />

seen 8 pretending to parachute into the Olympic stadium<br />

with James Bond? And who 3 __________ predict how<br />

far this process of evolution will have travelled by the<br />

time the new prince reaches the throne? From the pit to<br />

the Palace in three generations? Surely it is the perfect<br />

fairytale for a nation that grows more middle-class 9 by<br />

the year.<br />

Adaptado de: THORTON, Michael. A very middle class baby who will secure<br />

the future of the royal family. Daily Mail. 22 jul 2013. Disponível em: <<br />

http://www. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2374279/Kate-Middletongives-birthmiddle-class-Royal-baby-boy-securemonarchys-future.html>.<br />

Acesso em: 06 set.<br />

2013.<br />


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