Part I.pdf - MTB-MLE Network

Part I.pdf - MTB-MLE Network

Part I.pdf - MTB-MLE Network


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• Identify the purpose of the evaluation. (Who will use the information that is collected?How will they use it? How will the evaluation improve the programme? How will itbenefit the learners and the community?)• Identify the indicators. (The things that will show if the programme – or a componentof the programme – is achieving its objectives.)• Identify the sources of information.• Identify the people who will collect and analyse the information.• Plan the time frame. (When will the evaluation activities begin? How long will theylast? When will documentation be completed?)• Identify the evaluation methods that will be used to collect the information.• Develop the instruments that will be used.• Train the evaluators to use the instruments.• Collect, check and analyse the information.• Prepare a report of the results.The chart below (Malone 2003) identifies key questions in the evaluation process.1) Focus: What specificcomponent of theprogramme do we needto evaluate?2) Objectives/Purposes: Why do weneed to evaluate thiscomponent? What willwe do with what welearn about it?3) Indicators: What are welooking for? What will be theindications that objectives forthis component have beenachieved?7) Time frame: When will theevaluation activities begin?How long will they last?When will documentation becompleted?<strong>Part</strong>icipatoryevaluation inliteracy-fordevelopmentprogrammes4) Information sources:Where will we get theinformation we need?6) Responsible persons:Who will be responsible forcollecting and analysing theinformation and documentingwhat has been learned?5) Methods/ToolsHow will we get theinformation we need?The recommendations on the basis of evaluation should be useful to those for whom the evaluationis intended. The outcomes of the evaluation should be:• Clear and concise, presented in a manner which will be useful for the programmeimplementers58

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