Part I.pdf - MTB-MLE Network

Part I.pdf - MTB-MLE Network

Part I.pdf - MTB-MLE Network


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Capacity-BuildingTraining can be a challenge. However, the Philippine BNFE department trained trainers at the nationallevel who then replicated training at the local level in order to build grassroots capacity.Materials DevelopmentBecause there are general materials alreadyavailable at the central level, the PhilippinesBNFE have chosen to translate this material.However, they have discovered that thesematerials are not well understood at thecommunity level. Thus, the centrally producedmaterials are being used as prototypes foradaptation to the local situation. There isgreat benefit in locally produced materials,particularly those developed with the fullparticipation of community members.Strategies for the Sustainability of Multilingual EducationProgrammesWhy do we do pilot projects?Pilot projects are conducted in order to explore some innovative ideas that differ from those beingimplemented in current projects. In this way, solutions can be identified for certain problems andissues. Pilot projects contribute to research on the effectiveness, viability, reliability and feasibilityof new strategies. Thus, before widespread implementation, a strategy can be reviewed and, ifnecessary, discarded if found to be inappropriate. For efficient utilization of resources (human,financial, etc.), it is important to determine whether wider application is justified based on validationof an approach’s effectiveness. A pilot project can be the venue for initiating projects that are noton the government’s priority list, but are important and may contribute towards policy formulation.In a pilot project, stakeholders all need to be aware of the ethical issues associated with implementingan experimental approach in a community. Care should be taken that there is no financial burdenplaced on the community (whether in labour, materials, etc.). The implementation of a pilot projectwithin a community should not jeopardize the potential of other forms of development in thecommunity. There needs to be a careful strategy that includes a response should the project fail ornot be sustainable.What are the goals of the pilot projects?A pilot project is implemented in order to reach those who have not yet had their needs met. Inrespect to multilingual education for minority communities, the intent is to expose the learners toa multilingual approach, using the mother tongue as a bridge to learn the international/national/66

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