Counselor's Manual for Relapse Prevention With Chemically ...

Counselor's Manual for Relapse Prevention With Chemically ...

Counselor's Manual for Relapse Prevention With Chemically ...


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The purpose of this workbook is to find out if you have a problem with alcohol or drugs and howthis connects with your problems with the law. If you can understand how the two are connected,you may be able to prevent problems from happening again.Problems with the law usually occur <strong>for</strong> one or both of the following reasons.The way you think gets you into troubleYou have an alcohol or drug problem that gets you in trouble.Some people know they have an alcohol or drug problem. They want to stop using, but theyhaven't been able to. These people are called chemically dependent. This workbook is designedto help you if you have a problem with alcohol or drugs and the law, whether or not you believeyou are chemically dependent.One thing you probably want to do is to resolve your problems with the law. In order <strong>for</strong> that tohappen, you must be willing to do several things.Consider that you might have a problem with alcohol and/or drugs. If alcohol and drugs get youinto trouble with the law, your family, or your job, it is likely that you are chemically dependent.If this is true, the only way you can resolve these problems is to stop using alcohol and drugs.This may not be easy, but you can do it if you will accept help.Consider that your thinking might be wrong on some issues. If your thinking is wrong, it cancause you to act in ways that get you into trouble. It can cause you to feel like you don't fit in,prevent you from getting what you want out of life, and cause you to not get along with otherpeople. When this happens, the only way you know how to feel good is to try to fool or "con"other people.Decide that you can change your life. No matter how much people try to help you, you must bewilling to believe that you can make your life better if you do certain things. You must be willingto look honestly at your life and want to change. If you are willing to do this, you can make yourlife different. This workbook can help you.Section I: What Are My Problems?The first section of this workbook has two self-tests. If you are honest when you answer thequestions, you will find outIf you are chemically dependent (can't stop using alcohol and drugs without help). By finding outwhether you are chemically dependent, you can make decisions that will change your future.If your personality is like that of other offenders. You will see evidence of these similarities inyour life. Your personality is made up of the way you think, feel, and act. These questions willhelp you to decide if you want to change your personality.Understanding your problems is important in getting where you want to go. It is all right if youdon't like what you find, but if you want to change, you must accept that you have problems.

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