Asian Small-Clawed Otter Husbandry Manual (1998)

Asian Small-Clawed Otter Husbandry Manual (1998)

Asian Small-Clawed Otter Husbandry Manual (1998)


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Tissues to be placed in 10 % formalin. Please save 2 sets of tissues.qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqSkin: full thickness of abdominal skin.Skeletal muscle: medial thigh, with sciatic nerve.Tongue: Cross section near tip including both mucosal surfaces.TracheaThyroid/parathyroidThymus: representative section.Lungs: section from several lobes including a major bronchus.Heart: Longitudinal section including atrium, ventricle and valves form both right and left heart.Include large vessels.AortaSalivary glandGastrointestinal tract: 2-3 cm long section of esophagus, stomach (cardia, antrum, pylorus),duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon, omentum. Open carefully along the long axis.Lymph nodes: Cervical, bronchial, and mesenteric with a transverse cut.Liver: Sections from several lobes with capsule and gall bladder.Adrenal: Incise transversely.Female reproductive tract: Entire uterus and ovaries with longitudinal cut into lumen. Entire testiswith transverse cut, entire prostate with transverse cut. This should be sent to Dr. Linda Munson.Pancreas: Representative sections from 2 areas.Spleen: Cross sections including capsule.Kidneys: Section from both kidneys (cortex, medulla, and pelvis).Urinary bladder/ureter/urethra: Cross section of bladder, 2-cm sections of ureters, cross section ofurethra.Eyes: leave intact.Brain, include cerebrum and cerebellum: Sliced longitudinally along the midline.Pituitary gland: Bisect gland including dura, if possible. Otherwise submit entire gland to localpathologist.Long bone: Submit ½ of femur.Mammary glandDiaphragmSpinal cord: 1-cm section from cervical cord.<strong>Asian</strong> <strong>Small</strong>-<strong>Clawed</strong> <strong>Otter</strong> <strong>Husbandry</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>/Health Care-30-

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