Asian Small-Clawed Otter Husbandry Manual (1998)

Asian Small-Clawed Otter Husbandry Manual (1998)

Asian Small-Clawed Otter Husbandry Manual (1998)


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plays a very active role in rearing the cubs, and should not be removed prior to their birth. Malebehaviors include nest building, carrying cubs, and bringing food to the cubs during weaning.Cubs are carried by the nape of the neck, and are frequently moved between nest sites. Theadults may construct several nests.Social GroupingsIt is recommended that otters be held in adult pairs, adult pairs with offspring, or in single sexgroups.Successful GroupingsIt has been noted that male groupings tend to show aggression with age. It is recommended thatsingle sex groups be introduced as early as possible. Full siblings or siblings seem to be the mostcompatible.Successful IntroductionsIntroductions have occurred between all ages and both sexes. Auditory, visual, and olfactoryintroductions must be successfully completed before attempting physical introduction.Courtship BehaviorCourtship behavior has been observed in many institutions and in many different ways. Someexamples are: female mounting male; increase scent marking; longer stay time; oral and genitalstimulation by both sexes; nest building by male; tail movement; increased vocalization;climbing on each other; backing into each other; and clasping ventral/ventral. This usually laststhrough estrus.Sexual maturity has been documented as early as 13 months for a female. Usually the malepursues the female although females have been noted to mount males as well.Observed CopulationBreeding occurs dorsal/ventral or ventral/ventral. Breeding occurs usually on land, nest boxes,shallow or slow moving water (i.e. waterfall with both animals lying on their sides, her back tohis belly). The male will mount the female from behind or female will back into male.Nest Boxes-Birthing AreaMost institutions are successfully using nest boxes. Cleveland has had multiple birth and rearingsuccesses using a single, large, course weave burlap bag placed directly on the floor of theholding area. Bags are interchanged regularly for sanitation and to keep nest areas dry. Bagscan be washed, dried, and reused. A single bag has held up to twelve otters. In use of eithermethod, dry off areas need to be provided. Access to water (pools, water bowls) should bestrictly monitored to prevent newborns from drowning. Monitoring of young, with care, can beaccomplished from day one. Parents and older siblings are separated using a non-stressfulmethod from the nest area. Young can be weighed and measured without interference. This isusually a procedure that does stress the adults but if done quickly and with a minimum of extrastaff, it is usually not fatal.<strong>Asian</strong> <strong>Small</strong>-<strong>Clawed</strong> <strong>Otter</strong> <strong>Husbandry</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>/Behavior and Social Organization62

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