nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions


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I valued the detailed, insightful reflection of the lived experience we createdtogether in the session and the lightness, scope and spontaneity of thegroup.Nanopolitics was a precious context in which to share and reflect on StreetTraining. An experimental process and proposition where people begin tocollectively constitute a thoughtful and very bodily hybrid practice. It is connectedwith academic institutions, which perhaps grounds <strong>nanopolitics</strong>’ abilityto sensitively use both practice and theory. I’ve rarely played with peoplewho are so able to fully inhabit the moment and also contextualise events interms of theory and politics. I especially liked the way that during our sessionthey totally inhabited the moments that sometimes passed before irrational,instinctive or incoherent behaviour began. They sweetly co-created situationsand mooched off to have solo experiences. They also rolled up their sleevesand devoted time to talking, musing, contextualizing and creating understandingsof what we had done. We explored how we felt, the lines of flightthat we had spun and what they might mean and how we might change theways we live, just a fraction, as a result.Endnotes1. Alison Rooke (2010), ‘Experiments with Form: Street Training as Public Sociology’ inStreet Signs, Autumn 2010, Centre for Urban and Community Research. London: Goldsmiths.Read the complete text here: academia.edu/687004/Experiments_with_form2. Dino Felluga (2002), ‘Modules on Butler II: On Performativity’cla.purdue.edu/english/theory/genderandsex/modules/butlerperformativity.html3. Jen Harvie (2009), Theatre and the City, Palgrave Macmillan: Houndsmill, Basingstoke,Hampshire.4. Ibid.5. Manuela Zechner (2010) Street Training nanoreflections, email conversation, unpublished.112

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