nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions


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Boal’s writings were translated and read all around the world, spreading theirideas on how to raise awareness about social and political justice. RobertoFreire is less well known, but their activism shared the same libertarian politicalapproach. The Theatre of the Oppressed can be seen as one of the mostengaging hybrids of art and activism, and the Pedagogy of the Oppressed is arevolutionary approach to education. Soma was developed in this context,with those who were involved in art, activism and popular education.When Roberto Freire created ‘Soma’ in the 1970s, he was looking for therapeuticmethodologies that could help and support people involved with theresistance against the dictatorship. He studied the psychological and emotionalaspects of being an activist, the contradictions between ideology andpractices. Why is so difficult to overcome emotions such as jealousy, envy andfear, which disrupt the collaborative process? Taking part in different kinds ofsocial and cultural movements, Freire realized traditional forms of activism,from political parties to clandestine organisations, have the same limitationsas the power structure they want to overcome. And he dug deep, pointing toviral strands of capitalism in all relationships - family, school, work, friendships,lovers, etc. – building up a set of moral values and rules of behaviourwhich regulate life in association with other people. Capitalism contaminateseveryday activities and private relationships, making it difficult to associateand to collaborate; it seemed clear that an anarchist therapy like Soma shouldbe like an anti-virus to capitalism.Anarchism and pleasureFreire created Soma as an open ‘work in progress’ through his writings, topresent and make public his political views, theoretical approaches and ethicalchoices. 4 In what follows I will briefly introduce Roberto Freire’s ideas.His blend of science, literature and philosophy, his novels, essays and therapybooks all express that an anarchist approach mixed with the search for pleasure,beauty and good-humour, are the most important things to being anactivist.His first novel, Cleo and Daniel (1966), was a big success among youngpeople and an inspirational book for many Brazilians who took part in thefight against the authoritarian regime. It tells a story about the rebellious effectof love under power relationships and how moral and sexual repressioncan create despair, fear and madness. A dictatorship does not just shut downfreedom of speech, but it also kills the possibility of love. The social and personalare one and the same when he writes about revolution: ‘Why are thosewho want to change society unable to comprehend the nature of this society?96

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