nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions


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that’s somewhat inspired by the Transition Town movement: Voku Pocu, thepeople’s kitchen, is one of the activities they organize.jorge goia is a Capoeira Angola and Soma facilitator. He has worked withSoma groups in over 10 cities across Brazil. Goia took part in a researchproject introducing Capoeira Angola into Soma games, and has a PhD inSocial Psychology from UERJ, Rio de Janeiro. He has been living in Londonsince 2004, mainly teaching Capoeira at schools, youth clubs and socialprojects. In 2012 he was in the West Bank, Palestine, to teach Capoeirain a psycho-social project working with children at refugee camps. Uponreturning to London he has been facilitating Soma experiments wherevertesão is calling.lisa burger was born and grew up in a borderland, South Tyrol. She hasstudied different things in different places (anthropology, dance, pedagogy; inSiena, Berlin, Venice), and since a few years is back home. There she startedexperimenting with processes located in a sort of borderland: practices relatedto collective gardens, the use of systemic approaches to learning processes,the attempt to understand how the chaotic life of the collectives she takes partin can be made more sustainable and ecological.lottie child is the founder of Street Training streettraining.org, aninternational network of people actively shaping their environments andbehaviours with safety and joy. Recently Street Training has been takingplace at the ICA, London, Rathausgalerie Munich, and the Venice Biennale.She lectures at the University of the Arts London. Her research topics are inthe field of situation based practice that engages with information exchangeand explores the hierarchies, rituals and taboos of the streets through acombination of performance, audience participation and publications.manuela zechner is a researcher and cultural workermanuela zechner is a researcher and cultural working on, in and acrosscare, collective processes and social movements, and frequently (co-)facilitatesworkshops and projects relating to these. She has just finished a Phd Thesis onCare and Creativity in Collective Practices of Organising around Precarity, atQueen Mary University in London, and co-initiated a group research projecton ‘radical practices of collective care’ radicalcollectivecare.blogspot.comin Vienna, where she also co-facilitates the ‘sounds of movement’ radio showsoundsofmovement.noblogs.org. She participates in different collectives,and organizes the ‘future archive’ futurearchive.org since 2005.280

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