nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions


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exerciseMeetingIn our understanding, meetings are occasions to cultivate the common andalso to produce collective intelligence. This intelligence is to do both with theways we come to relate to a situation (unemployment, the city...) and withthe ways in which form a group. The criteria for fruitful meetings concern thepotentials, powers [puissance] and joys that emerge from them.Far from being a serial summary of ‘I’ + ‘I’, the ‘us’ of a group has itsown consistency and needs to be constructed and cultivated. In order to bea group, it’s not enough to get together as well-meaning people and to tryexpress ourselves. To construct and to cultivate in fact implies two things: 1. thecreation of a dispositif that allows for encounters in which present forces canactualise and develop themselves; 2. the development of a particular attentionto the effects that this dispositif produces.The following text-instruction will present a certain way of envisagingmeetings as well as the elements that seem efficient and useful towards theproduction of collective intelligence.passages and points of referencepreparationA meeting is something that requires preparation. We can think of this preparationas a construction or renovation site, where we need to figure out: whatare our objectives? How are we going to approach them? What’s the state66

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