nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions


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spectful and not very funny, classroom clown.and suddenly all blurred in front of my eyesand i had to leave the room.in a short moment of anarchy that same classroomclown, seeing the state i was in, triedto re-establish order, asking whether thatwould make him not go into detention. Thatmoment the teacher came in, and the system ofregulation shot out from within the invisible,senior management, walkie talkies, letters toparents etc and finally an exclusion for theclown. my official statement of things.my throat hurts, my ears hurt, my body longsto be on holidays, can’t bear the idea of seeingviolence or injustice today.... and feltwrong and ashamed somewhat to go to the learningstrike in hackney.might still whiz down there for a little now,to feel collective strengthguess i have to close my heart and soul evenmore to do things right in there, no good tobe so much in it that i loose my physicalself.today my head’s pounding like it wants to setfree.... and i slept the entire afternoon....the freer i get in my weekends, the more bizarrethe monday world becomes?also realised how much a year of full-timework and schooling affects ideas/ practice ofwe/energy/creativity....what a shame that all our jobs are under suchtime pressure isnt it... i think thats whati hate about teaching most also. the time173

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