nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions


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oys behave today’. Rather we want to recognise the variety of old and newforms of expression of femininity and of violence. On the one hand, there is abanal process of aesthetization and consumerism, advertising the excitementof boundary-less lives. On the other hand, new forms of violence and oppressionemerge and entrap our affects and imaginations. Yet, there are also emerging,irreducible forms of consciousness, ironic sensitivities and practices ofdoing and undoing gender, crossing and playing with gender itself.Contact for Radicals was a peculiar opportunity to push my self up againstmy boundary-history, enjoy and open up the process, with other bodies andother voices - re-drawing and re-affirming the relative porosity of my bodyand my heart, in relation(s).Nanopolitics in the midst of struggles: protest debrief, inhabitingprotests otherwise 5This is a new configuration of movement, how to relate if you’re notin a group/not an activist? How to expand beyond the police/mobconfrontation and focus more on effective actions? Composition ofthis movement: lecturers, students, young kids (the ‘banlieue’ in theUK). Yes: but this is much broader, needs other articulations, it’s notjust about student fees anymore, if it ever was just that. How canthese recent events inform (micro/local) practices of groups, as a moresustainable mode of struggling/engaging that goes beyond the stateof emergency/exception status of these weeks? How do we relate toevents and the event-temporality of these weeks, how to keep stagingevents (they are media effective, otherwise things don’t get seen) butnot get stuck on them? [...] The kettle: should we be protesting in frontof parliament, our supposed right to protest, how useful is it to getkettled? The complex social, affective and organisational compositionof the kettle, that’s something we learn from, very interesting space,perhaps all the more so because we are stuck in it together – but then,how can we transpose that complex composition to other spaces? […]Was that enough, do we need more of that sort of protest? One thingthese demos surely did was pull people without affiliation to a group in,in a different and broader way than occupations did - that’s somethingthat couldn’t have been achieved without them.[...] So much merging/connecting of groups has happened • How can these large initiativesbe sustained without people losing their local/situated/micro focus?[…] Radicalization that happened over the last weeks – what doesthat mean, to be radicalized? What will Christmas do to these young149

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