nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions

nanopolitics handbook - Minor Compositions


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And Robert Brenner (2009), ‘What is Good for Goldman Sachs is Good for America – The Originsof the Current Crisis’, Center for Social Theory and Comparative History, UC Los Angeles.46. Camille Barbagallo and Nicholas Beuret (2012), ‘Starting From the Social Wage’ in TheCommoner 15, Winter 201247. ...and in hundreds of smaller towns, and in so many universities, schools, mines, ports,factories...48. In the US black and first nation activists suggested that decolonial notion of ‘un-occupy’should take the place of ‘occupy’.49. For a recent reflection on a ‘politics of the encounter’ (another conceptuality drawing onphysics rather than a biology) in relation to the Occupy Movement, see Andy Merrifield (2011),‘Crowd Politics, Or, ‘Here Comes Everybuddy’’ in New Left Review 71, September-October50. The parties that came out of and helped sustain such a social basis were very differentfrom the professional parties we know today. But while the distance between workers and bureacrats,connected by a very active middle layer of activists and shop stewards, was smaller then,party organisation was – as it is now – much a mirror image of the forms of capitalist organisationof the time: hierarchical and disciplined.51. Any movement more than minorly communist must have strategies and practices toprevent the state and capital from violently taking our corruptive co-opting what we inhabit andwhat we have occupied.52. The fact that most people are surprised to hear of the trans-European movement oflandless peasants testifies to the fact that primitive accumulation is seen in Europe as a historicalfait accompli, or its results as a fact of nature. The landless propose that we show how the openwound of the proletariat is a product of the earlier cut of primitive accumulation.53. ...if not from capital and the state in general, given that money under capitalism is alwaysin the last instance capital money, and given that the guaranteed income requires the redistributiveactivity of the state. See Kathi Weeks’ recent book for an argument for the guaranteed incomeas a form of strategic contestation within and against state and capital. Kathi Weeks (2011), TheProblem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics, and Postwork Imaginaries. DurhamNC: Duke University Press220

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